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Chapter 4 - Management of the obsolescence

4.2 Answers to the obsolescence.

Here of continuation a series of actions apt is listed to resolve the problem of the obsolescences: some rispecchiano the reactive strategy, others that one proattiva3.
It is necessary to emphasize that their implementazione does not preview absolutely one mutual exclusion: in some cases, in fact, it can turn out more effective to put a action in existence plan that it previews a mix of some of they.

In the successive table, they will come here shown the characteristics of cost and effectiveness of the corrective actions end descritte4.

Resolutive action

Impact of not recurrent costs

Impact of recurrent costs

Duration of the effect

Sources alternatives

Potentially high.

Requalification could be necessary one.

Temporary if the alternative market has the same characteristics of the main one.



Low, but it could demand requalification.


Temporary if the alternative market has the same characteristics of the main one.


High being necessary is redesign that one requalification.


Not availability depends on the relation obsolescence/. If the availability is not caused from the technological obsolescence solution is one in the long term.

Life of Type Buy


Minimum. It could be still more bottom making economies of scale.

Along term if the calculations on the availability are corrected.




It can in the long term be if the members who have decided themselves to use are not to the end of their cycle of life.



It varies to second of the cases. It could demand requalification and retesting.

It varies to second of the cases. It could demand requalification and retesting

Along term.



High. Requalification could be demanded one.


Not availability depends on the relation obsolescence/. If the availability does not depend on the dimension of the market it is an action in the short term.




Short duration.

Table 4.1: Characteristics of the several actions in order to face the obsolescence.
For not recurrent costs tantum agrees those costs to support one in order to implement the corrective action correspondent, like the costs of requalification, writing of the new documentazone and redefinition of the test procedures.
The industrial experience has shown that the corrective actions mainly used in order to answer to a DMSMS problem sono5: In the following illustration, it comes brought back the subdivision in percentage of the resource to such solutions.

Figure 4.2: Percentage with which it is rerun to more you attend solutions for the DMSMS.

As it is looked at, it is rerun to the single redesign in little cases, because of costs to it elevate it to you connect to you.
The solutions mainly adopted are the substitution of parts and the Life of Type Buy.


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