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Chapter 4 - Management of the obsolescence

4.1 Two approaches to the problema2.

Speaking in general way, two different can be defined managerial philosophies in order to face the problem obsolescences:

Deciding to pursue the reactive approach to the problem of the obsolescence, therefore, it is settled down not to make null until the moment in which this effectively verification.
Usually, this strategy is pursued when the analysis of the risk factors, that is the contestuale esteem of impact on the system, probability of occurrence and cost for the resolution, from like result the tripletta (low, low, low): in fact, from the budgetario point of view, it in the earlier stage does not imply costs added to you, but, in the moment in which it is gone to resolve the problem, it can be found to having to us to face a large economic expenditure, therefore, a level low for the factor of risks cost renders the things less onerose.
Moreover, the emergency of a low level also for the others two factors of the risk analysis, less renders the choice of a reactive approach to the risked problem.
In the cases in which the impact of the obsolescence on the system, the probability of occurrence and the cost for the resolution do not turn out little important, an approach would have to be preferred for-assets to the obsolescence: it would be opportune, therefore, to develop and to implement a program of management of the obsolescences that is pursued for the entire cycle of life of the system and that it defines the actions to put practically.
An important aspect of this modus operandi is the monitoring of the obsolescences: with this expression the continuous one agrees to hold under observation the members and the materials that come been involved in the production process or of support to the system; moreover, in moment in which a part it turns out obsolete or, in more favorable of cases, when it is previewed that it it will become to short, is engaged to us in order to search of the alternative or however the resolutive action adapted.
Described Siccome the practical one over is source of costs, is attempted to limit such activity to the cases in which it it is extremely useful, that is, above all in the following situations: To such purpose, it is useful to say that they exist numerous tool trades them and data banks that collezionano and put on hand, obviously to payment, this type of information.


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