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Chapter the 1 - evolution of the logistics.

1.2 The acquisition cycle.

The three are made of the logistics described in the paragraph precede unificano and reassume in the term Integrated Logistic Support (ILS) that it begins with the planning of the acquisition of an item and continues along all its operating life.
In other words the ILS is that discipline that unifica the management of the logistic activities for the support of a system or item, any is its complexity, from beginning to end of its cycle of life.
One becomes necessary, to this point, to shortly stop the attention on the cycle of life of a whichever product: this evolutionary process, in fact, is same for any object, any is its nature, that it is devised and produced for a usefull6.
The cycle of life of a product commonly is divided in two makes that to they time is subdivided in other under phase:

In the light of said how much fin'ora, is interesting to see like the three is made of the logistics is decreased on the cycle of acquisition of the product. In the successive figure exactly the superimposition of these is shown two aspects of the industrial world.

Figure 1.1: It is made of the logistics applied to the cycle of life of a product/arranges.


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