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Chapter the 1 - evolution of the logistics.
1.1 The three are made of the logistics.
Practically three types of logistics4 are distinguished:
- The industrial Logistics (Industrial Logistic): it has the function to support the production through the direction and the control of the activities of supplying of the material demands for the fabrication of the products, of management of the warehouses of the supplyes, of reception of the goodses and shipment of the finished products. This logistics is present in all the manifacturing companies, whichever is their merceologico field and their dimension.
- The Logistics trades them (Business Logistic): it regards, essentially, the distribution of the assets of wide consumption.
- The Logistics of the systems: it is taken care of a product during its operating life. This type of logistics interests produced industrial of important complexity like airplane, ships, helicopters, tanks, radar, stations spaces them, it centers them electrical workers ..... and it is been born and widely it is implemented in army camp (Military Logistic). About this type of logistics, exactly, it will be spoken in way diffused in following understood them in relation to the supportabilità of complex systems and contracts CLS.
Speaking hour in more general way, but tying the logistic function to a product, we can distinguish three makes of the logistics, than rispecchiano also its evolution in the time5:
- Use Phase: whichever relative activity to the product when this last one is in possession of utilizzatore ago the part of the Use Phase. This phase comes also defined in-service phase and, historically, with such characteristics the logistics concept nacque: from the necessity, that is, to supply to the correct operation of a product in use. Obviously, in its first manifestations, were just the utilizzatore that supplied to the necessities without neanche thinking that it was giving to life to one business function. The typical activities of this phase, as it can easy be comprised, are times to the maintenance and operativity of the supported product.
- Physical Requirements Phase: as the products to support became more complex and lead the Time in order to obtain a real support grew tall, made road the necessity to identify, before that the utilizzatore entered in possession of the product, physical requirement in order to implement the actions of support. In the light of such requirement, is been born organizations, also inner to the single companies, responsibles to characterize and to procurare the necessary replacement parts, to prepare the documentation, to characterize and to predispose the tools and the equipment to use… All this to busy itself has carried to the development of effective processes faces to the location and finding of all that one of which the utilizzatore it could have had need.
- Functional Requirements Phase: it is the newer phase of the logistics, in which the associated logistic necessities to a complex system are considered, before still that this effectively is realized. It is the process through which they are defined objects to you and constraint to the aim to render the supportabilità of the possible system cost-effective. In last analysis, therefore, the logistician guideline, correlated from constrain places side by side the planners to the aim to write up one, than aids these last ones in the plan and the choice of eventual members and COTS with which realizing it.
- Notes 4: Alberto Mezzogori, Integrated Logistic Support, SE.MA.T-Florence.
- Notes 5: James V. Jones, Integrated Logistic Support, Mc Graw-Hill.