Chapter 2 - the Contractor Logistic Support (CLS) and one its application in a study case.
In the previous paragraphs, it has been made one short carrellata on the characteristics and the evolution of the logistics in its several is made.
In the described scene over, but, to the end of years 80 ', the fall of the Berlin wall carried true and just a sconvolgimento, above all in the connected productive fields to the within of the defense: in that period, in fact, the budget of the Department of the Defense American, in particolar way, was reduced drastically, pushing then the Secretary of the Defense, Mr Perry, to launch which came called Acquisition Reform.
In little words, with this document, it was settled down to prefer dispositive answering you to detailed lists closely trades them to those constructed specific soldiers second. The attempt of such policy was that one to increase the sources possible and to reduce the costs, remarkablly greater for the devices constructed to you on prettamente military detailed lists.
In parallel with these political choices, the interest of the fields trades them in the support post sale increased in many fields: companies manufacturers of household-electric, enterprises of the automotive field, in fact, gradually developed one infrastructure net for the attendance to the customer.
At last, this tendency, gradually was adopted also from the intensive producers of systems capital like motors for airplane and tractors, until being thought one true and own competitive arm.
2.1 Introduction to the CLS.
To the light of the two described phenomena pocanzi, in more and more systematic way, the government of the United States demanded the logistic support for the acquired systems: the time of attendance could vary from little years, until the government the necessary ability to the support in independent way, to the entire cycle of life of the system.
Nacquero therefore those that today come calls Contractor to you Logistic Support: the CLS is a contract of nature post-sale, supplied from the company manufacturer, that those activities necessary include all in order to support the system for all its cycle of life or part of it.
Such type of contract, obviously, after the NATO them in America, has extended all the world.
The USA army defines the Contractor Logistic Support in following modo1:
'' Logistic Support of Army material performed under contract by commercial organization. Support may includes material facilities as well as services '' (Cfr. Appendix To pag. 154).
The NATO has adopted for before turns this tipologia of contracts for the systems aerial surveillance radar, of which SELEX-SI he is the greater supplier in within NATO. These preview the realization of Sistema di Supporto of type CLS for all the been involved countries, defining services and supplies for such systems for the entire cycle of life or part of it.
One becomes necessary to this point, in order to enter in the merit of the argument, a short description of the SELEX-SI, and the system radar on which it has been developed the analysis proposed in the CAP. 7.
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