In spite of the guideline of the SSN it is that one to centralize the structures, and consequently
also the warehouses, one thinks that the Virtual Warehouse can represent a model that, if applied correctly, can turn out
preferibile is from an economic point of view that works them.
The developed analysis of continuation structure in two parts:
it turns out obtained to you from the optimization of the supplyes, one short illustration of the obtainable advantages from
the c.d. "advantages accessories".
There is from emphasizing that to the state odierno a performance of the Virtual(MV)
Warehouse to the single district hospital worker of Arezzo is unthinkable since is present a single warehouse.
prerogative of the MV is the existence more warehouses on a circumscribed territory; greater it is the number of the present,
greater warehouses will be the savings that will be able to be obtained.
Online with the dispositions dictated in new
the Slowly Sanitary Regional 41 , that it confers to
the sanitary districts the possibility to exercise functions of managerial type through shapes cooperatives, has extended the
study, beyond that to the warehouse of Arezzo, also to that one of Siena and Florence (fig. 5,2) territorial contiguous ones.
The study carries out on the three different warehouses,
but to esemplificativo level, we will use for all give to you inherent to Arezzo.
In the first place for being able to
operate on such structures, than until that moment they have I independently churn one from the others, it is necessary to
establish a common protocol on which constructing an effective integration, it that is must omogeneizzare the products and the
procedures that will agree to share.
This "preparatoria" phase must be picked from the management sanitary like an occasion
in order to put into effect a reingenerizzazione of the processes tending above all to simplify and to render more snelli
many procedures trying to eliminate inefficiencies and to reduce lessened the bureaucratic passages that considerable
slow down the development of operations 42 .
An other problem to face in such phase is that one of the realization of a computer science net that goes to then constitute the
"skeleton" on which basing interaziendale integration and the exchange of information and resources.
Placed the bases one
can be proceeded with the ABC analysis of the products stopped in warehouse obtaining typical classification of the assets
according to Principle 80/20 of Pareto.
The sharing of the resources and the information, is sure obtainable for how much
concerns the products of wraps "B" and "C", representing these strategic materials, even if null preclude similar plans does
not apply to you also to those of fascia"A ".
Returning to the study in issue, in order not to bring back an infinite series
of they give to you and graphical we will stop ourselves on the study of the management of a single product.
To the ends of the such demonstration criterion can think valid in how much if we took part on the totality of the present
products in warehouse the advantages would increase more in way that proporziona they.
We consider our product, that we
will call "Produced To", contained in the three warehouses. The sum of the costs anniversaries of the single constitute
warehouses the cost total of the district.
The product To introduces characteristic following: unit price 10, the every day costs of stock are of 0,2%
for present unit of goods in warehouse, costs of order 43
are quantifiable in 350, costs of transfer 44 150, every
time that catches up the level of I reorder the acquired amount is of 500 units.
To this point it is opportune to continue
our study on two levels parallels: TRADITIONAL MANAGEMENT in which we will calculate the costs gushed from the single
managements of the present warehouses in the district and MANAGEMENT VIRTUAL WAREHOUSE in which we will calculate the
costs of the combined management of the warehouses.
The currently used situation is the TRADITIONAL MANAGEMENT based
on which, for the product To, in virtue of lead a Time of delivery of the suppliers of seven days, the level of I reorder
is equal to 220 units, and the emergency supply is of 100.
In the MANAGEMENT VIRTUAL WAREHOUSE, instead, it is succeeded
to eliminate the requirement to stop supplyes of emergency, so that it is assisted to a cost reduction of stoccaggio that,
in theirs main member, depend proportionally on the volume of the present goodses in
warehouse 45 .
A level is obtained therefore of reorders par to 120 units and one stock of equal emergency to zero.
The zero setting of the emergency stock has been rendered possible, in how much, the case in which a warehouse you finish the supplyes, the provider provvederà to transfer produced from a supplied warehouse that devoid one.
Considering that the medium distance to cover is of 60 Km and that the transport is carried out on road, the products will be recapita to you maximum in 30 minuteren from the demand.
Putting to comparison two diagrams (fig. 5,5) it is evidenced as with the Virtual Warehouse the red line representative the emergency stock is passing (equal to zero) and that blue representative the level of I reorder considerable is traslata towards the bottom.
We analyze like such effect infuences the costs annual totals of warehouse:
in the TRADITIONAL MANAGEMENT the costs annual totals are give from the sum of the order costs and costs to you of stoccaggio;
in the MANAGEMENT VIRTUAL WAREHOUSE beyond to being present these two tipologie of costs, if of it it adds an other, the transfer costs, that is those face to you in order to transfer amount of products from a warehouse to the other.
Simulating with an appropriate software the management anniversary of warehouse for the "Product To", with the parameters previously brought back, following is obtained turned out:
In the case in issue, with the Virtual Warehouse, it is resolutions to obtain a saving of 22% already from the first year.
In the years succeeded such percentage can increase thanks to you to an ulterior deriving optimization of the supplyes gives: one study of the requirements of the single warehouses, historical analyses, greater acquired information....
In the following diagram the course of the costs puts itself to comparison annual totals of warehouse in the SEPARATE MANAGEMENT and the MANAGEMENT VIRTUAL WAREHOUSE.
Interesting to ask itself as it is resolutions to obtain such result. To such purpose we can decompose the costs totals of warehouse (inherent to the supplyes) in costs of order(fig. 5.7) and costs of stoccaggio (fig. 5,8).
Of the 2 tipologie of costs famous as the saving is characterized nearly exclusively from the optimization of the stock costs, while the order costs, being independent costs from the present amount in warehouse, are diminished only leggermente.
Considering then that every USL acquires approximately 14 million euro the drug year, and rapportando it turns out obtained to you from our simulation to the totality of the present products in warehouse, estimates a annual saving of 3.080.000 of euro on every warehouse, therefore a district saving very 9.240.000.
This saving is inherent only to the optimization of the management of the supplyes, but thanks to integration of the resources and information can be caught up ulterior turn out to you.
As an example see again the process of supplying in which remarkable resources with the involvement (in average) of 30 persons are employed.
The simplification of such procedures and the fact to carry out them to cetralized level would concur ulterior savings, that they will have to then be quantifies you of case in case.
The optimization of the process can therefore be represented:
Moreover single USL 8 of Arezzo in 2002 has carried out 18,413 purchase orders, for which it has received 17114 invoices. That it means one medium of 320 every day invoices. For being able to carry out the procedures inherent to the recording, control, catalogue, emission order ofs payment... are necessary, also in such case, the employment of huge working resources. Esteem that by means of the service of integrated supply, supplied with the Warehouse Virtual, can carry the received invoices less than 1000, raising the staff employed from a consisting workload being able it therefore to employ in more profitable other asset 46 .
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