The control of the sanitary expense Tuscany passes through the rationalization of the functions
of administrative of the Sanitary Companies, second technical support the lines guides dictated from
PSR 40 2002-2004.
the second phase of the company, in fact, will mark a deep transformation of the organizational order of the
Sanitary Companies, which will go to shape themselves more and more like fornitrici of services to the person, while not
the directly connected activities to the performance of charitable services will be managed to sovraziendale level.
attainment of a advanced critical mass would have to above all concur recoveries of efficiency in terms of elimination and
economies of scale of redundant activities, and could also become the occasion of a more complex engagement in terms of
process reingineering finalized to type decisions make or buy .
The prechosen level
for the management of the functions of administrative technical support is that one of the Immense Area.
The from
Tuscany SSR is subdivided in three Immense Areas (Fiorentina Area, Tirrenica Area, Immense Area South), that is making
aggregations of territorial contiguous Sanitary Companies head to a Company Hospital worker.
The Immense Areas, to
the inside di.le which get exausted 97% approximately of sanitary mobility of the been involved Companies, are been born
for purpose of sanitary programming, in how much characterized which amble to you optimal of government of the health;
new the Slowly Sanitary one confers they now also functions of managerial type, to practice through of internal-company
The functions prechoices for the start of the rationalization process are, like anticipated, purchases and
logistics, that is the placed activities to mount of the chain of the value, that they represent 30% of the total
sanitary expense.
The Consortia, therefore, will be people in charge of the accomplishment of contests to continuation
which will come stipulate you "opened" contracts, which the that is Sanitary Companies will be able to join until the
attainment of the quantitative prefixed maximum.
The choice of the sovraziendale level of the Immense Area has, in
this within, the ulterior one pregio to reveal little impattante in the comparisons of the market, concurring the maintenance
of a competitive order in much more important way regarding solutions than regional type, for how much they can be however
characterizes to you of the prodotti/servizi for which it is possible to proceed to regional contests, in reason of their
degree of standardizzabilità, of their frequency and volume of purchase, of the structure of the offer in the specific market.
That would have to introduce moreover smaller difficulties of coordination, species in the phase of normalization of
the products that will have to precede the carry of contests of Immense Area.
The change therefore as described
it involves a continuous exchange of give to you and information between the Companies of the Immense Area: the Region
therefore has stipulated a protocol of understanding with Italian Mail that, between other asset, a collaboration finalized
to the realization of the computer science platform of support also previews, the c.d. portale, where the Sanitary Companies
will be able to publish bands and other documents, possession news of the contests in being and the possibility of adhesion
to relati to you contracts, to carry out auctions on linens , etc.
In the portale they would have moreover
to find space the marketplace previewed from the recent regulations concerning e-procurement in the
P.A. and an area finalized to the monitoring, and containing, between the others, the Observatory of the Prices and the White
one of the Suppliers.
The attended benefits, to regimen, come quantify
to you in approximately 90 million euro to the year, in terms of reduction of the "sperequazione" on the prices (equal to 8%
approximately, as it turns out from the analysis of give you of the Regional Observatory of the Prices), economies of volume,
rationalization of the procedures (lessening of the contest procedures, introduction of instruments of e-procurement,
reduction of the supplyes and greater control on the same ones).
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