The logistics covers remarkable importance in how much today is not more understanding like
"the simple planning of the distribution and shipping charges", but it is asserted more and more like lever strategic in
order to face the market and to follow of the changes timely. The evolution of the logistics in the companies, ago yes that
this is prevailed more and more like function of business integration that controls and governs all the management of the flows.
The "modern logistics" is taken care, in fact, of politics of supplying, the systems informed us of control, of the planning
and the control of the materials, the warehousing, the movementation, the management of the stocks, the distribution and the
international transportations. Becoming simpler the logistic work can be asserted that so that, raw materials, material,
semifinished and finished products are available at the just moment in the just place and lessened cost.
Such objective is perseguibile if a flexible logistic process and to variable costs is put into effect of which the company
it maintains the control strategic; trying moreover to terziarizzare to the maximum all those operating activities that came
historically carried out to the inside of the company. From recent studies it carries out to you from A.T. KERNEY turns out
that the total logistic cost (base 100) of a medium enterprise can be decomposed like follows: 15% managed costs to you;
23% stoccaggio costs; 21% magazzinaggio costs; 41% shipping charges.
An ideal image of company is that one in which the afflusso of raw materials exactly it is commisurato to the productive
requirementses, and in which to they it turns the amounts of produced assets correspond in precise way to the demand for
the market; a company where the refueling reaches the moment and the just place and that servant the customers with time and
in the more favorable way.
A company therefore will not have supplyes, will not have lyings, will manage a large warehouse sufficient to because the flow of materials and goodses does not interrupt and it does not endure throttlings: that
means to compress the times, to reduce the spaces, to pull down
costs 5 .
3 past December has been introduced, near the faculty of architecture of the Polytechnic of Milan, the national Observatory on
the transport goodses and logistics (ONLTM) promoted from Foundation
BNC 6 and ISFORT 7 .
The presentation convention has been also the occasion for a round table on the logistics which some protagonists of the
field have participated.
From the convention it is emerged that in the Italian within, the enterprises demonstrate to have
comprised the advantages and the opportunities of the logistics, but are not still able, for several reasons, to make them own.
The evolution of the market of the logistics can be outlined with the below table (Tab 1).
Based on such table nearly
the totality of the Italian enterprises is currently firm to the first phase.
The backwardness of the operating Italians is caused is from inner factors (small dimensions, insufficient ability to innovation, lowland internationalization) is external (infrastructural deficiencies, arranges formative lacunoso, insufficient free of some comparti).
However there are some marks them positi to you that they evidence an elevation of the level of logistic culture that is
the main presupposed one for its evolution.
These mark them are represent to you from the greater interest of the enterprises
towards the logistics like competitive factor and from the increase of the investments in the field.
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