To continuation of the adoption of the model of the Virtual Warehouse, the main achieved advantage
drift from the reduction of the supplyes in warehouse.
The supplyes constitute for the enterprise an immobilization of
understood them, therefore a passivity, and to continuation of their lessening it obtains an increase of liquidity, a widening
of the possibility of new investments and a minor rerun to the indebtedness.
Moreover the supplyes involve of the operating
costs: the optimization of the supplyes in warehouse is based on the elimination of the emergency supplyes, than in the greater
part of an exercise they do not come used, but however stopped in order to make forehead to unexpected peaks of question.
As soon as junior clerk, the Virtual Warehouse, involves a lessening of the supplyes that the Unitec quantifies in approximately
20% and it does not exclude a greater percentage later on, when it comes applied a greater control on the supplyes.
The lessening of the supplyes ago yes that the same costs of storing (energetic rent local, costs, emergency) can be reduced,
above all if the reduction of the supplyes is meaningful.
Moreover the Virtual Warehouse offers the possibility to group a
high number of purchasers in a species of partnership, creating the possibility of dealing with the suppliers with greater
power of dealing. Consequently it is possible to define to advantage of partnershp the conditions which price, amount,
times, quality of the supply, than to the buying small they were not allowed.
It would be had, in other words, that one that is called "buyer aggregation".
An ulterior advantage consists then in the possibility to know the amounts and the necessities of warehouse in real time, and
the course of the months and the years to know lead Time of supplying of the supplies, allowing to manage in more effective and
efficient way the warehouse.
Is to much difficult one to preview the fluctuations of the values of stock for small independent
warehouses, that is those of the single enterprises, but is relatively easier to have the control on the course of the district
warehouse, since it would be had to that to make with decidedly greater numbers. If to this analysis of the historical series)
of the Virtual Warehouse had to be added to a precise and punctual control on the historical course (, function also of the
merceologica tipologia would have a remarkable discouragement of the emergency supplyes ().
Finally, it must hold account
of the fact that would be had to disposition, for the customer of the Virtual Warehouse, a remarkable increase of the
availability and of the possibility of chosen of materials that otherwise would be much difficult one to have in warehouse
If as an example a particular type of store clerk had to be verified, than never it had not been preventivata, and that it has
need of a special equipment, there would be an elevated probability that it is instead reperibile in the district comprensorio
through the MV.
Perhaps its owner has made available it because he uses it very rarely, and therefore hopes to gain some of
the profit rendering it available for other companies. All this mechanism of rationalization but, cannot ahead be carried to
compartments ponds, but holding account of the sinergico effect of a total restructure, also it graduates them, but total of
the district structure and to put hand to the business processes (Business Process Reengineering).
The fact to participate
to a Virtual Warehouse involves ulterior advantages accessories which:
That means that, diminishing the amount of supplyes under the "indicated minimum cost" in the diagram, it would be possible to
obtain of the savings, to discapito, but, of crescents costs had to the loss of upgrades them
Reducing excessive the supplyes, of other song, the enterprise would diminish its ability to produce to the amount
and the quality of the goods demanded from the market (optimal service). In the diagram they are represented the curve of the
operating costs of the warehouse (stockholding costs), that it turns out increasing to increasing of the availabilities of
supplyes, and the curve of the costs deriving from upgrades them loss of orders (potential lost sales costs), which has an
opposite course regarding the previous curve.
The optimal choice will be determined from the minimal point of the curve of the cost total (in red), determined from the
sum of the costs of the others two.
The adoption of the Virtual Warehouse modification radically the hardly illustrated
outline. Being the availability of the raw materials constantly assured in every moment from the outsourcer of service,
the costs of upgrade them lacked sales, subiranno a sure lessening, than it will be translate in a appiattimento of the
relative curve.
At the same time the curve of the warehouse costs stretches to lower itself, in consequence of the fact that the amount of matters to store diminishes considerably, just because is not more necessary that the single enterprise of the district physically stops all the types of matters necessary to guarantee the productive continuity.
The combination of the movements of the two curves involves the modification of the position of the curve of the cost total that will be lowered and it will be moved towards right.
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