In the time the technologies of the information have concurred the discouragement of the coordination
and communication costs that frapponevano in passed to a efficient management of the dispersed economic activities territorial.
The technologies of the information above all introduce as coordination technologies whose primary effect is the support of
the human resource with computer science.
A secondary effect of the reduction of such costs is the increase of the amount
employed total of coordination. A lot in order to carry an example, the systems puts into effect them of reservation of the
airplane concurs with the travel agencies to take in consideration with facility more possibility than flight for a customer,
favoring therefore multiplying itself of special rates and reductions in price.
An other effect of the cost reduction of
coordination is a tendency to the adoption of structures with greater coordinativo content and that they interest more enterprises
with the performance of relationships of collaborativo type (make together).
At the moment of a sale of a sweater in a store
in Italy, as an example, the recording of codes to bars could automatically activate the functions of order, delivery and
production long all the row until the wool warehouse pertaining to the network situated in an other continent.
An other case of interaziendali nets constituted not only between suppliers and purchasers, but also between contenders is that
one of a interaziendale consortium in which the enterprises put in common give to you, services, software and resources for a
finalized common management to the discouragement of the costs and of waste.
Thanks to nets data transmissions the
information on the question become available in real time, allowing the connected societies to manage the activities shared
in more efficient and profitable way than how much it would be possible for the single agency.
All that door to international
level to the creation of enterprises more and more concentrated on just
core business and in a position to operating to total level or transnational resorting the market.
Based on the williamsoniana
dichotomy of the make or buy, every organization must choose between producing to the assets and the services of which it has need
or acquiring them to the outside.
To this purpose the analysis of Antonelli is interesting approximately the impact of the
technologies of the information on the transaction and coordination costs.
The transaction and coordination costs are defined
like costs of reception, treatment, appraisal, collection and transmission of the information care the ambient inside and outside
to the enterprise.
In particolar way the coordination costs are defined as those relative costs you to the productive
integrated relative activity and process control its, while those of transaction - therefore as defined for before the time
from Coase - are give to you from the costs of use of the market.
Antonelli 4
introduces one riassuntivo outline to the aim to understand the effect of the new technologies on the dynamics evolution of such
costs estimating some in such detail impact.
In the activity of coordination imbatte to us in costs deriving from situations
- Limited rationality
The limited rationality is caused from the extension of the amplitude of the
control, with the consequent loss of efficiency in the supervision from part of the managers of the evolution of the
enterprise activities. The technologies of the information render possible to recover, to elaborate and memorizzare
information to a cost much more low and therefore to reduce the tie tax from the manual management.
- Monitoring and shirking
The activity of monitoring consists in a control of the single ones inputs
of a production process to the aim to prevent possible shirking, that is that the marginal productivity falls under the cost
of the input rendering the process inefficient. The introduction of the new technologies of information can above all reduce
shirking and therefore the costs of the control (monitoring) when organizational units separated and situated in other
countries are considered. In this way the control of the management is strengthened centers them on the peripheral units.
- Creation of resources pad
The multidivisional or matriciali structures can be considered an
intermediate structure between the two institutional solutions of the market and the hierarchy, and in how much such
they come defined like "pad" between the two ends. The multidivisional and matriciale reorganization renders to the
enterprise mix an organizational one possible in which the costs of coordination and transaction, it compares to you with
those between enterprises, are smaller. The introduction of the technologies of the information can ulteriorly reduce the
incidence of such costs or carry to processes of organizational change of innovative type.
- Federation
The "federations" are defined like relations of complementaritą tightened between buyers
and vendors who establish themselves without to establish a effective vertical integration.
Also the "federation" can be seen like intermediate organizational activity between the hierarchy and the market, solo that it represents, to the contrary of the "resources pad" one of the first
steps of the process from the "market" towards the "hierarchy". The introduction of the new technologies of the information
will more and more favor delivering up itself of "federations" or relationships of informal cooperation between enterprises,
also to outside from the national borders, thanks to the increased ability in the control at a distance of the production
processes, to the improvements in the management of the input productive, the flows and the productive members, and to the
reduction of the uncertainty on the quality and the terms of delivery of the intermediate products.
We can then analyze the effect of the technologies of the information on the transaction costs:
- opportunist
Opportunismo is a effort in order to realize gain characterizes them through one lack
of honest sincerity and in the transactions. The technologies of the information can reduce the asymmetry in the distribution
of the information and therefore the advantage in the opportunistic behavior.
- Relations of exchange
With the new technologies of the information it is possible to extend the
number of enterprises been involved in any transaction and therefore to avoid or to reduce the risks of the opportunistic behavior
or the asymmetry of the information on both sides of the market. The technologies of the information render possible to
increase substantially with the transmission abilities, that is the abilities to catch up enterprises localized in far markets
and the elaboration abilities give to you, that is the ability to recover, to estimate and to reproduce information.
As an example, thanks to the new technologies of the information the enterprises can try new suppliers or customers on the
international markets, without increments meant to you in the costs for dealing the necessary information.
- Information impactedeness
Is a shape of asymmetry of information tied to two aspects: one relative specific acquaintance to a contract and not to one
generic information; for the part with smaller information, to obtain acquaintance parity is expensive.
The technologies of the information can only reduce the disadvantage deriving from according to aspect pulling down the costs
of the information. - Imperfect nature of the acquaintance
The acquaintance is a typical characterized
public good from:
- indivisibilitą,
as soon as it has not been made one discovered and disclosed, this last one can be extended to all
the enterprises to null marginal costs;
- not escludibilitą
that is not possibility of exclusion of other subjects from the learning of the acquaintance.
In order to satisfy inefficiencies deriving from the lack of markets of the acquaintance and prices it appropriates to
you, the enterprises stretch to create home markets in order to transfer the acquaintances.
The technologies of the
information, to this purpose, can diffuse the acquaintance rendering it divisible, subdividing it in much bit of information.
As an example, the licenziatarie enterprises can replace the spreading of the acquaintance with a continuous flow, by
means of connections on-linens of specific instructions and technical details without to find the key of the entire
The enterprises can choose if to take advantage of their internalizzandole in the home markets or
transmit acquaintances through the direct selling on the markets of the licences and the licences avoiding the risk of the total
The technologies of the information can have effects meant to you on the technology transactions, reducing the
imperfection of the markets.
- Note 4: Antonelli - C. - technological Change and multinational enterprise: the role of the nets data
transmissions in the total strategies, Milan: F. Angels, 1984.