The advantage of the electronic commerce is that one to cancel in virtual way the space and
the time that separate to the question and the offer, widening, potentially the possibilities of business.
Because this is obtainable, it is necessary that the enterprises adapt the own strategies, structures and processes so
as to to draw advantage from the new "enabling technologies", avoiding that inner inefficiency and inabilities to adapt itself
make useless the opportunities.
The various solutions that can be adopted in the within of the electronic commerce regard
the type of relationship that establishes between vendor and buyer.
A first type of solution is limited to realize a relationship of pure sale, supporting the execution of the transaction trades
Other solutions stretch to privilege the relationships of collaboration between more subjects, creating aggregations
that have the scope to maximize the benefit through the development of common actions.
In the within of the development of the collaboration relationships the two models more innovated are the outsourcing of the
purchase processes, and the sharing of the warehouse availabilities, through the constitution of
Virtual³ Warehouse .
The application of the concept of integrated supply, together to the exploitation of the instruments puttinges to disposition
of the communication and information tecnology, allows to manage in outsourcing, completely and in efficient way, the
supply processes, reducing the costs of administrative type on the number of produced orders and allowing to benefit of the
price reduction that the outsourcer obtains on the base of the volumes more customers (induced aggregation of the question).
Beyond to the traditional functions of purchase (sourcing, ordering and expediting), it can come offered the payment service,
by means of the emission of an only invoice, raising the customer from the management of the number of relative payments you to supplying fine-supplier.
The Virtual Warehouse consists in the sharing of the availabilities of warehouse more companies
that employ the same tipologie of materials or members and operate in a territorial within that renders the exchanges easy
and economic.
The objective is the reduction of the equal supplyes presents in all the warehouses and the reduction
of the surplus.
An enterprise will not physically have present in warehouse all the types of materials of which it needs,
but it must some have however the immediate availability.
The Virtual Warehouse represents one reduction possibility costs,
through the reduction of immobilizations, introducing one flexible management of the supplyes by means of their sharing with
other subjects.
The operation is assured from an external subject, the Provider of service, which it has the visibility of
the total supplyes and, through systems informed and managerial procedures dedicated to us, manages the warehouses calculating
the necessities of the companies and the levels of redundancy of materials to the inside of the district.
The demands for
material journey for the Provider that arranges supplying from an inner warehouse to the group of the adherent companies, or,
eventually, from an external supplier.
The Virtual Warehouse needs of a information of common base to the enterprises
participants and the adoption of procedures and protocols standard, so as to to have a complete homogeneity of they give to
you uses you in the system.
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