From always the warehouse just one of the vital points of the enterprise to which management the
dedication particular seen attention the essential function that is considered it carries out to the inside of the company and
in all the production process.
In the running language the term "warehouse" refers to a premises used after the warehouse and
to the conservation of the goodses.
From a economic-business point of view this definition decidedly turns out reductive since
with the same term logistic structure in a position to receiving goodses is made reference to one ", guarding them, to conserve
them, and to make available them for the smaltimento and the delivery ".
The role acquitted from the warehouse goes very therefore beyond to that one of mere warehouse of the goodses.
It acts as from connection between the purchases of the enterprise and the processes of transformation, and between the
processes of transformation and those of sale, guaranteeing therefore the continuity of the production process and the timeliness
in the satisfaction of the needs of the customers.
Moreover it concurs to separate to two segments of the distributive process
(purchase produced matters and sale) equips you of dynamic different to the aim to obtain one cost reduction, to guarantee the
stoccaggio abilities and to assure the flow of the goodses.
The warehouse guarantees therefore is the continuity of the
production process, svincolandolo from the tempistica of supplyings and from eventual impediments in the reception of the supply,
it is the separation of the processes on which structure the business activity.
To such purpose we can distinguish three is made
between independent and gestibili they connected but with dynamic detailed lists, that is: supplying, economic /technical
transformation and commercialization.
Thanks to I use of a warehouse can be supplied to supplyings second the rhythms judges to you more opportune
and in the times in which the prices more convenient are thought, independently from the fluctuations of the sales.
That offers to the enterprise the possibility to svincolare the purchases of the factors of the production from the necessity of
uses immediate. Tasks to the possibility to acquire quantitative a high one of raw materials, even if the necessities of the
production process are very inferior, have using of in a data moment of particular reductions in price or prices on the market,
and to deposit the surplus in warehouse.
Or that in presence of an elevated question of market, the enterprise decides not to
take advantage of to the maximum the productive systems (avoiding therefore the overtime of the dependent) and to satisfy the
greater demand regarding the own production using part of the previously accumulated production in the warehouses.
The necessity to maintain determines quantitative you to you of assets in warehouse is one characteristic that it joins, even
if in various measure, all the enterprises: they are cargo vessel they, industrial manufacturers of assets (industrial enterprises)
or manufacturers manufacturers of services (enterprises of services).
To second of the tipologia of analyzed enterprise the warehouse it assumes particular aspects:
Such type of enterprise generally is equipped of rigid a productive structure,
therefore it cannot be modified continuously in the short period in order to answer to the variability of the market.
Not being able to adapt itself ready to "the inflation as an example disturbs" coming from from the market which, or the
deficiency of determining well, can be satisfied by means of the goodses conserved in warehouse.
Also the warehouse
"finished product" carries out a fundamental role because it concurs to maintain the production processes regular and constant,
as an example in periods of decrease of the question on the market the warehouse constitutes a warehouse of products.
In other words the role carried out from the warehouse of the finished products is that one to hold separates the production
rhythms to you from the oscillations of the question of the final market.
It gives the possibility of:
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