In the management of the warehouse the border between potentiality to take advantage of and problems
to resolve is much thin one. Enough a nothing in order to make to become what previously it was even a force point, an element
carrying of all the organizational, productive and managerial structure of the enterprise, in a "generating field" problems of
economic, financial and organizational order.
Behind a efficient warehouse there is a efficient management and organization.
If these had to come to lack, or to introduce gaps, inefficiency would unavoidablly extend to all the business activity.
The management of the warehouse consists in rationalizing the business inner resources to the aim to implement of the efficiency,
synonym of competitiveness in the competitive markets.
The business management, and in particular that one of the warehouse,
once it were considered like a pure inner element to the enterprise.
Currently, instead, the modern managerial techniques,
more and more oriented to the search of the flexibility, stretch to interlace so deep relationships with other actors
(supplying, customers, other enterprises.), to render impossible one distinction inner-outside.
Until some year it makes
in order to obtain efficiency was necessary to centralize the production on the search of the quality of the product.
In the time but the question of the consumers it becomes more and more demanding, are not pleased more of the product in
if for if and to the quality of the product, hour total of the product is demanded the quality.
This has influenced in
consisting way on the concept "to produce" that in its turn it has influenced the management of the warehouse.
Since the
efficiency does not find more centralizing the forces on the search of a production of quality of the good, but on the
simplification and optimization of the management and its procedures it is obligation see again and to optimize the warehouse.
The management of the warehouse door to remarkable physical costs, and of the not quantifiable returns (increase of the efficiency).
Therefore that in passed has been
dedicated interest little.
To the day today instead greater importance is attributed to you, which is dictated from
competitive requirements.
In fact the played more and more pitiless competition on the competitive markets does not save
who present of the inferior standards of efficiency to the others. As an example, in it was of Internet is nearly of all
unthinkable one management lacking in computer science support.
The technological developments have brought of the remarkable
advantages, making the fortune of who have known to pick, decreeing them the failure of who of it have not comprised the
Carried out more and more often with particular techniques, making wide use of the computer science support,
also in net with the suppliers, the management of the warehouse must be considered priority: it involves costs elevates
to you but if put into effect in adequate way it concurs savings and increments of efficiency.
This must be put into effect,
but, so as to not to weight down the patrimonial structure of the enterprise and without to weigh on its equilibrium excessive
In fact the company needs of an inner organization rations them and fast, placed side by side from factors which:
A warehouse has direct costs inherent to its structure which: relative costs of the staff, costs
you to the equipments, relative costs you to the premises and the spaces of reception of the goodses and shunting and shipment
of the same ones.
Not negligible costs are then those relati you to the conservation in warehouse of the goodses, packings
and the other materials of consumption.
To stop supplyes door a series of advantages to the enterprise, and puts it protected
from the disadvantages previously illustrates to you, but it is from holding present that the supplyes involve costs.
The costs are represent to you in particular from 2 members:
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