The following job is fruit of one tightened collaboration with the Unitec .
Introduction " the economy, at least in physical terms, is contracting itself. If it he were industrial were
characterized for the accumulation of understood them physicist and property, the new was privileges intangible shapes to be able,
collections in packages of information and understood them intellectual. The material assets, by now are a strengthened fact,
are materially and un-materially ". The complex economic phase
that is being crossed is characterized from a phrenetic race to the innovation dictated essentially from the continuous
technological progress.
The object of the thesis is the study of the Virtual Warehouse whose term has been coined from dottor the recently recognized
Marino Vincenzo and in the Dictionary of the published Digital Economy from the Sole2ore .
Beyond to the drawing up of the university thesis, it is intentional to realize a job from which the manager sanitary they
can reach news and you dull for being able to comprise the new potentialities they offered from the application of the modern
technologies to the business management and in such case to the management of a sanitary district.
In the market odierno, in which the constant change it is the rule and not the exception, the time is
had hardly "to try" a new product or a new service before that an improved version comes put on the market.
In a context therefore convulso to become account of the changes in action, in order then to adopt the more appropriate solutions,
it covers for the enterprises a primary importance.
We find ourselves in a phase of transition in which it is assisted to the
passage from the material to the immaterial one, from the physicist to the virtual one, in which the same term of "possession"
loses man importance hand while it is gone asserting the concept of "access".
To step with the times and trying to take
advantage of to advantage of the own customers the new possibilities that they are gone delineating, the Unitec has devised the
Virtual Warehouse, one solution turned to the enterprises pertaining to a whichever type of district.
The Virtual Warehouse
offers to such enterprises the possibility to pass from a management of traditional type, to which the existence of remarkable
is associated wastes and redundancies, to that previews a cooperation and sharing of resources on the base of logistic services
distributes to you from provider (the Unitec).
The job that follows has the scope to illustrate as the Virtual Warehouse can
represent the base in order to put into effect a optimization of the business processes and concurs with the enterprises
participants to obtain one greater availability of assets to smaller costs.
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