1.6.4 The limits of systems ERP.
The found greater limits in such systems ERP are sure the high operating costs and the not but easy one,
like instead was believed, breaking in or eventual cancellation of gives to you.
Such systems have in fact the weakness not to eventually be able to cancel a data not more necessary one to the management
of the company, because legacy to an other profit, since in this way would come lost both.
Therefore very many company stretches, in order not to lose they give to you and eventual passages useful to hold all give to
you collected in the course of the life in system.
In theory, the availability of a great mass of information would have
to constitute an advantage, but often therefore it is not: in fact it is more and more difficult to distinguish in means
to give you relati to every minimum aspect to you of the operativity of the enterprise, those that interest the manager in order
to take one important decision at the just moment.
Not to be able as already over pointed out to cancel they give to you brought back in system has carried many companies to
continue to insert always new give to you in system, without to become account that was overloading a lot that a day such
systems informed are burst to you and the companies have been found from a day to the other have been found to having to
change the own systems of management.
1.6.5 Influence of systems ERP on supplyings.
In the previous pages they have been brought back notes generates them on systems ERP, putting
in evidence positive sides you and the benefits that have carried in the corporate structure.
Through such support it
has been able to obtain an effective one and efficient management of the information is to the inside, that is between unit
and unit, than with the outside that is with all the subjects of the productive row, supplying and customers.
Such systems have allowed one strongly rationalization of times of job, then allow a fast passage between all the subjects,
in fact the information come passages in real time second the effective requirements of the company.
The company in fact,
through such systems directly, once received the order from part of just the customer, transmits the own requirementses of
material the just supplying one.
If we wanted to focus our attention on a real example, we could consider concessionary
one, than once received the order from part of the customer, thanks to such systems communicate the information to
the manufacturer, than in its turn it sendes its demand automatically to its various suppliers.
That is it will demand
the supplier To, 5 wheels, to the B supplier 2 liters of varnish, to supplier C flying.
Such demands are regulated from
agreements squared, that is from agreements taken previously between enterprise head and all the others.
Such agreements
establish all the contract conditions, therefore the parts do not have need of dealing of time in time.
Such system could
therefore turn out perfect, but unfortunately they can be introduced of the not previewed requirements of supplying, that
they are taken place very rarely and not with continuity in the time.
Such supplyings are necessary for the maintenance of
business infrastructures and can be taken place anytime, then the breach of a machinery unfortunately are not never
Therefore the companies in order to resolve such disadvantages are forced to try new suppliers, then such pieces
are not acquire to you habitually, to dealing with they prices times of delivery in
order then to codify them.
Such activity involves but excessive dispendio of time and a money.
Such coding in fact,
second the studies carries out from important companies to you which Unitec, Lufthansa.., the contracts make to pile the
costs to an equal figure to 1200 euro moreover this necessity of dealing of time the time ago to slip by far the terms of
delivery, when instead for such material the timeliness is of obligation then you can be also problems of lines and
firm productions.
An alternative to such bureaucracy would be to be able to emit orders without to pass for the system,
the so-called the orders maverick.
Such orders can give the illusion of fasting the bureaucracy completely, jumping it, but unfortunately that door to only
lose the complete control on the management of the orders. Such orders come call to you.
Because is orders to "unpleasant affair" of which of it only who knows the existence has emitted it, because in system does not
turn out nothing.
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