1.6.2 The advantages derive to you from the adoption of systems ERP.
Being integral a computer science solution that all the business functions, systems ERP concur at
least potentially with every subject (), independently from the hierarchical level in which it is found, one equal visibility
of the business processes.
That is possible thanks to database relational was flavored, that they allow to have a more
transparent and "governabile" organization, thanks to the possibility of being able to decide in real time of the necessary and
always reliable information.
With systems ERP they are avoided, therefore, regarding the traditional systems the misalignments
informed to you, than they can be verified, between the several business functions.
With such system they avoid also the
different of give to you according to "codifiche" that, rendered problematic, if not quite impossible the transfer of gives
to you between the various applications.
An integrated informative system like that ERP, beyond concurring a "such total
informative interconnection" to allow to every operator is a transparent vision of all the business processes, than the possibility
to work on they give to you reliable and it aligns to you, always it affects the quality of the job and on the quality of the
decisional process, lowering it is the uncertainty acclimatizes them is that relational one.
The existence of a database
common and, consequently, of gives to your only and was flavored, concurs to take decisions in a context of greater
It becomes possible in fact, through opportune analyses of give, to increase the degree to you of preview
of the events that will be taken place.
Applications ERP reduce the intraziendali costs of coordination and Inter business,
they in particular favor:
1.6.3 The costs derive to you from the adoption of systems ERP.
The adoption of a system ERP is a decision much complex, that it demands a careful appraisal of the
costs - benefits to it associates to you and whose definition involves the involvement of many competences that go from the
directional and organizational advising for the definition of the model of business of reference, to the optimization
of the choices of technological matrix.
The more critical moment of systems ERP is, that one of the "implementazione",
in how much demands a total ripensamento of the business procedures, not only from the point of view of the flows informed
to you, but also of their "organizational" formulation.
Demanding remarkable organizational changes, in the phase of
implementazione of systems ERP often it is found to us to face strong organizational resistances.
Therefore it is necessary
that there is a clear support of the business apex in the comparisons of the plan, a strong involvement of the customers,
the contribution of resources and external competences and the elevated professionality of been involved the inner and
external figures.
The cost of a system is extremely variable, it depends on various factors which the dimension of the
society, the number of customers, the number of modules acquires and moreover the implementazione costs to you.
From market
analysis us has become account that the price of the software begins them can oscillate between 8.000 and 25.000 to
customer of which 70-80 % it is constituted from the Business same Process of reingegnerizzazione.
As it can be very
understood although they is poured and adaptable to whichever situation and whichever type of company, the elevated cost
of purchase preclude the possibility of adoption of system ERP to all those small companies and average dimension, usually
to familiar character or however constituted from a limited number of associates.
These in fact also having a structure
small, thanks to their dimension, still turn out however to have of large inefficiencies due just to one bad management of the information.
Such software allows in fact to a control and one management of
the information in real times and fast: all the information in fact are brought back in system, the operator therefore
will not have need neither to record neither to control documents in affixed binders to you, since the documents will be
scanned and inserted in appropriate folders, while they give to you will be brought back in particular masks.
With such systems in fact the companies could head in fact to obtain the certification of company paperless.
For how much it concerns the speech of the certifications, the companies supported from such supplying systems could not run
also the risk not to be considered characterized from the own companies customers; above all to the days ours in which all the
suppliers it codifies you of the greatest and important companies must have a certification that the quality demonstrates and
effectiveness of the business management.
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