CHPATER 4: Surveying on the customers
Appendix: the questionnaire
The questionnaire object of the job has been prepared in Italian, English and German language.
The Unitec customers have received copy of the same, in format Word and with language adapted, like attached to the mail of presentation of the operation.
It has been prepared also an Internet version of same, compilabile directly on-linens through login and password personal, she indicates to you on mail same and the different for every customer.
Approaching through Internet with the received indications, it was possible to directly visualize surveying in the more appropriate language, previously assigned in automatic rifle for every contact.
1- In which nation is situated its company?
Italy Germany other ...............
2- Of that dimensions are its company?
small (smaller turnover of 10 million) averages (from 10 to 50 mil. ) large (from 50 million)
3- In that unit works?
purchases they trades technical office
maintenance logistics other ...............
4- How many suppliers manage?
0-50 50-100 100-500 more than 500
5- From how much time she is Unitec customer?
0-1 year 1 - 3 years more than 3 years
6- As Unitec has known?
Internet through customers through suppliers through other companies siamo/eravamo supplying they historical customer they have been contacted other ...............
7- Which are, between following, the services that use mainly?
industrial brokeraggio support yards to the foreign country Netsourcing (e-procurement) integration supplies
outsourcing of supplyings (Business Process Outsourcing)
8- Which of following would be interested to use mainly in future?
industrial brokeraggio support yards to the foreign country Netsourcing integration supplies outsourcing of supplyings (BPO)
9- Which of our ulterior services know?
Coordination Specialistiche Maintenances
Coordination of supplyings like support to the external subfornitori
Analysis optimization of the management of the Warehouse Reciprocations
Buyer aggregation Management repairs Management emergencies
Virtual warehouse (material auxiliary)
Netsourcing (e-procurement) Support Supplyings for Laboratories
Supply Chain Management in Outsourcing (material auxiliary/of consumption production/)
Supplying reduction park
Analysis Supplyings Reciprocations first equipment
Search of products compatibili/alternati to you
Administrative consolidation (reduction numero/quantitΰ invoices, verifications and payments)
International purchases
Reintegro automatic rifle of the supplyes in Warehouse
Reporting activity also on-linens
Business advising and reingegnerizzazione of the processes and the procedures of supplying
Advising ABC (Activity Based Costing)
10- C$r-with regard to the services that do not know, it would wish to receive ulterior information?
11- It knows that Unitec can fornirLe beyond 100.000 various products, of 5.000 marks international?
12- With which cadence it has used the Unitec services in passed (year 2003)?
giornalmente 2-3 times to week 1 time to week 2-3 times to the month 1 time to the month little times to the year
13- With which cadence it uses currently, medium, the Unitec services?
giornalmente 2-3 times to week 1 time to week 2-3 times to the month 1 time to the month little times to the year
14- With which cadence thinks to address to Unitec in future (year 2005)?
giornalmente 2-3 times to week 1 time to week 2-3 times to the month 1 time to the month little times to the year
15- Because purchase from Unitec?
courtesy of the staff efficiency and quality of the service
competitive prices you speed of the deliveries answer speed
cost reduction of management of supplyings other ...............
16- it has never found problems with the Unitec?
17- If yes, which in particular?
delays in the delivery wrong selling price
long times of answer wrong material
difficulty in carrying out the payments (es. cause wrong banking information)
contractual discordanze (which ............. ) other ..............
18- satisfied E' of as they have been resolved the problems finds to you? Why?
Because ............... .........................................................................................................
19- has been repeated the found error?
20- Considering 0 = not important, and 5 = a lot important, which importance attributes to: 0 1 2 3 4 5
answer speed
speed of reception of the offer
puntualitΰ of the deliveries
correctness of the deliveries
cordialitΰ of the staff
competitiveness of the prices
clarity and synthesis of the comunicaz.
21- Considering 0 = insoddisfatto, and 5 = a lot soddisf., which are its degree of soddisfaz. regarding: 0 1 2 3 4 5
answer speed
speed of reception of the offer
puntualitΰ of the deliveries
correctness of the deliveries
cordialitΰ of the staff
competitiveness of the prices
clarity and synthesis of the comunicaz.
22- Conosce and visits the situated Internet di Unitec (
23- If yes, as it finds the situated one, second the following aspects?
Structure complex mean simple
Diagram optimal beautiful mediocre
Information immediate little immediate
24- Possiede the password for Netsourcing (
25- It would want to receive the password for Netsourcing?
26- Which improvements propose $R-with regard to the situated Unitec and/or to the Netsourcing service?
27- With which modality it mostly forwards Its demands for offer and its orders?
Telephone Fax Email Netsourcing
28- If it did not buy from Unitec, which company would address?
Italian German other nation ...............
29- In order which reason?
greater reliability smaller shipping charges economic convenience diversification of the suppliers courtesy of the staff better infrastructures other .................
30- When not purchase from Unitec, to who addresses?
Italian company German company other ................
31- To who one addresses, in particular?
directly to the fornitore/costruttore retailers broker other ................
32- Which proposals suggest in order to improve the turned service to She?
33- In a scale from 0 - for null interested to 3 - much inclined one, how much thinks to use, in future, the instruments and the potentialities that Internet offers?
0 1 2 3
34- I pray It to indicate:
Situated web of its company ................
Email of the contact persons ................ ................ ................
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