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CHPATER 4: Surveying on the customers

4.3 The answers of the customers

The answers of the customers have been elaborated in automatic rifle through the situated predisposed Internet to such job.
All the questionnaires joints through email or Fax, have been inserted in the situated Web through the login and password personal.
This gives to you was in fact consultabili from all the Unitec collaborators.
The answers are committees in great majority through compilation of attached email (59%).
32% have supplied to the insertion of give to you through Internet directly, while remaining 9% have compiled the questionnaire through Fax.
This preponderanza in I use of the email rather than Internet then will be confirmed more ahead also from the answers of the same customers.

  1. In which nation Its company is situated?
    Localization of the customers been involved in surveying is for 89% in Italy.
    The real percentage is higher, in how much some customers have mistaken in marking the nation of origin, marking as an example Kazakistan and Israel.
    It is not an unexpected data, in how much has been already seen previously like the majority of the Unitec customers is composed from Italian companies. This data demonstrates to us but that the customers are the Italians who give more replies, that they constitute therefore the greater value for Unitec.
    It turns out to you indicate also greater interest of the foreign customers, demonstrating as the Unitec customers are expanding themselves in several parts of the world, to this above all thanks to Internet.
    Other Countries indicate to you as of origin they have been in fact America (2%), Belgium, Brasi them, China, Germany, Russia and Rumania (all with 1%). Not there are territorial limits to upgrades them customers of Unitec.
  2. Of that dimensions are Its company?
    The 68,04% of the interpellati customers belong to companies of great dimensions.
    The great greater companies represent possible source of gain, in how much theirs upgrade them of purchase and the needs of the same ones are more consisting of the small and averages enterprises.
    They are prefer also because they are surer, in a generalized manner, in financial terms.
    Moreover, in their development they stretch to take in greater consideration the possibility to give in management some functions, between which the purchases of not strategic material.
    Being fornitrice Unitec of services of Outsourcing, these companies are sure the more interesting in order to develop just business. An ulterior consideration is that, if the greater part of the customers is composed from large companies, the probabilities to acquire customers of great dimensions are better than not with those of averages and small dimensions.
    It would have therefore to concentrate the business efforts in the contact of such companies.
    It must estimate but that the contacts with these great companies are much numerous. Consequently, some of such answers are committees always from the same societies, but from different localities and persons.

    Fig. 4,1 Dimensions of the companies customers

    Source: our elaboration gives Unitec to you (2004) 36

    The companies of medium dimensions count, in the champion, for the 16,49%, while the small for the 15.46%; in the total they compose nearly a third party of the interviewed ones.
    They count, entirety, for approximately a third party of the total customers. It sure must be interested to such companies, but selecting them accurately and giving they secondary importance regarding the societies of great dimensions.
  3. In that unit works?
    The 53,54% of the Unitec contacts reside in the function acquire.
    These acquaintances are a wealth for the company, if adequately taken advantage of. Deepening and improving the relations with such persons, the relationship can be increased also trades them with the respective societies.
    The 15,15% of the assigned answers are committees from to the maintenance, and the 13,13% from staff of the technical office.
    Often they are they that they decide who to send the demands for purchase for the materials of which they need.
    Usually the great companies are structured in such way that until to a sure amount can same they independently send the demands of purchase for the materials of which they need.
    Exceeded such threshold, often they remain to decide, even if obligate to you to act through the office acquire.
    To have many contacts and good relations with these persons he allows to have their preference as supplying he accustoms them.
    The rest of the interviewed ones belongs for the 7,07% to the field trades them, for the 3,03% to the logistics and remaining to the direction, the finance, and the functions material indirect material supplyings, refueling and assemblage wheels.

    Fig. 4,2 business Unit of the interviewed persons

    Source: our elaboration gives Unitec to you (2004)

  4. How many suppliers manage?
    The 21,18% manage from 0 50 suppliers; the 32,94% from 50 to 100; the 38,82% from 100 to 500; remaining 7,06% more than 500.
    The greater part of interviewed customers (71,76%) manages a variable number of suppliers from the 50 to the 500.
    The operating costs of many suppliers are huge. It would have to pubblicizzare the integrating and aggregativa function of Unitec, above all with those nearly 46% of customers who have relationships with more than 100 different suppliers.
    Probably they do not know of being able itself to turn to Unitec like only provider for all materials MRO, and that that would allow they to generate large savings of management, let alone to concentrate itself better on the suppliers of the strategic assets.
    It would moreover have to better analyze the needs of the own customers, trying to understand which are the materials acquires to you near these numerous suppliers, and proporsi like only provider.
    This would carry to increase the cross selling with the same ones, rendering them mainly profitable.
  5. From how much time she is Unitec customer?
    The duration of the relationship with Unitec is, for 59,60 % of the interviewed ones, advanced to the three years. The 28,28% are customers from one until three years, while remaining the 12,12% are the customers of new acquisition, therefore that they entertain relationships with Unitec from less than a year.
    With an express calculation it can be seen like the faithful customers, that is that it continues to entertain a relation trades them with Unitec from more than a year, it very constitutes the 87,88% of the total.
    Such data é much important one, in how much the faithful customers is most profitable, let alone less expensive to manage.
    If it continues to remain faithful, wants to say that fundamentalally it is satisfied. It must cure such customers more than all the others, and try to develop to full load the potentialities of the customers of "medium relationship".
    These last ones, in fact, already tendentially become attached to you, they could be revealed predisposed to receive ulterior services and products of Unitec, and to become stablily faithful.
    It is necessary to cultivate the established relationship and to introduce all the potentialities of Unitec so that more and more often address to the company. Probably the customers longer duration know better Unitec, having already had the possibility to demand different products and services, while the young customers have need of being instructd with regard to. In this answer it must see also the aspect negative, that he resides in the "not answers" to the questionnaire.
    In fact, we remember that the greater part of the interviewed ones has not answered, also between the customers of long duration.
    Through prompt telephone, it has been found that many were disable you to the compilation for reasons of time (in the previous period the ferie in fact the greater part of the persons are engaged in the management of the purchases of the materials for the summery maintenances), or because they were not authorizes to you from the own company to emit judgments on the suppliers.
    In some companies, this is a classified task to the function Quality.

    Fig. 4,3 Duration of the relationship with the business customers

    Source: our elaboration gives Unitec to you (2004)

    It would have to try to understand because remaining does not have intentional to give a reply, in positive or negative.
    In particular, they would be interesting those who in last the two years they have had irregular relationships with Unitec, since are in a position to supplying information on the motivations that withhold them intensifying the relations with the company.
  6. How has known Unitec?
    To understand as it puts into effect them to it customers they have come to acquaintance of Unitec allows to comprise which are the instruments that, more than others, concur to attract to new customers, and on which therefore it is convenient to concentrate resources in image.
    From the answers given, the greater part of customers (25% is emerged that) has become such after a direct contact.
    The used instrument more for reperire new customers consists in fact in contacting directly upgrades them customers, whose name to you they are suggested from puts into effect them companies customers, or they are finds to you inquiring on a determined field of interest.
    The direct contact is the more effective way in order to probably attract to customers a lot because the personal relationship with the buyer enters in game. In this situation the supplier can introduce $R-al.meglio the own company and to understand from endured the needs of upgrades them fruitore of the service.
    It is a strongly personalized presentation, that it more renders the image and the appreciate stronger memory of the supplier and.

    Fig. 4,4 Contact begins them with the customers puts into effect them

    Source: our elaboration Unitec (2004)

    Beyond to this methodology of approach, other systems exist in order to reperire new customers. As an example, to offer to a service of quality door to a positive circle for which the customers come automatically attracted. Indeed, the passaparola total of companies, customers and suppliers has very carried 20% of customers, that is 1/5 of the interviewed total.
    The passaparola, like already pointed out in the first one understood it, remains one of the more powerful instruments, is in positive that in negative. In this case, positive, it has allowed to Unitec to acquire customers. This means the company has one good reputation in the field in which work.
    Internet is also useful instrument of collection customers, and has upgrades them advertising limitless.
    It is useful above all in order to attract customers to outside of the European territory, especially in the zones where they are not present collaborators who can promote the business services, as Brasi them or Dubai.
    The percentage of customers who have been acquired through such instrument is equal to 14%, given impressive if it is considered that it is used only for a year approximately. Such data is already consisting of for himself, but it is sure destined to grow in the future, in how much the companies address more and more to the net for velocizzare and simplifying many of the business processes. Unitec already is prepared in this field, and can beginning right now offer to support on-linens to the own customers for many relative aspects you to supplyings.
    11% are, or were, suppliers of Unitec, become then customers. The suppliers of Unitec constitute in fact customers upgrade them, in how much they possess systems and equipments of production that need of replacement parts and maintenance.
    Such reversal of the parts is not therefore amazing, than sometimes one is revealed then profitable collaboration.
    Between the ulterior answers the acquaintance pregressa of Unitec from part of the office re-enters mainly acquires of the company customer, that she has carried other connected companies to resupply itself near the same one.
    The acquaintance through job colleagues is cited but also, to always consider in the within of the passaparola.
  7. Which are, between following, the services that use mainly?
    The services more use you currently from the interviewed customers are the services of brokeraggio (equal to the 52,68%), of integration of supplies (30,36%) and of outsourcing (11,61%).
    In smaller percentage they come uses you the services of Netsourcing (3,57%) and support yards to foreign country (1,79%).
    The customers mainly know Unitec for its services of brokeraggio and integration supplies, a lot probably because they constitute the activities Core of the company.
    This data could suggest two solutions, before which the acquaintance of the services of Netsourcing and support consists in increasing yards.
    The second one instead, partially contrapposta, consists in concentrating the business resources in the brokeraggio, giacché turns out the most used, therefore also most profitable.
    We beginning right now begin to notice that the situated Netsourcing still is not used to the maximum of the potentialities. This information will come subsequently confirmed also.
  8. Which of following it would be interested to use mainly in future?
    The tendency found with such question is towards a consisting anchor uses of the brokeraggio services, which endure but a decided decrement (-14,84%), and of integration of supplies (-1,53%), in favor of outsourcing (increment of the 9,11%), Netsourcing (+3,64%) and support yards to foreign country (+3,62%)

    Tab. 4.3 Trend previewed for use of the Unitec services

    Source: our elaboration Unitec (2004)

    The Unitec customers know that very well who use normally, therefore services of brokeraggio and integration supplies.
    They show but a decided interest to that that the company can ulteriorly offer they, in particolar way as far as the outsourcing.
  9. Which of our ulterior services know?
    Unitec is in a position to offering numerous other services, in majority it correlates you to those of outsourcing and integration supplies. Only a part of the customers but is some to acquaintance, and only for a part of such services.

    Fig. 4,5 Ulterior known services

    Source: our elaboration gives Unitec to you (2004)

    The international purchases are the known service more, with one percentage of the 17.62%.
    It is also one of the services more uses you, in how much Unitec it collects all over the world demanded of constructed products, and is common to address to such constructors.
    An other known service consists in the search of products compatible and alternated (14,98% to you).
    Such service, even if not demanded, usually is lend from Unitec. In fact if the product needed from the customer is not fornibile, Unitec is taken care to find substitutive or successive an article.
    In graduatoria they follow the coordination then supplying like support to external subfornitori (9,25%), the supplying reduction of park (7,93%), the management of emergencies (7,93%), the Virtual Warehouse for auxiliary materials (7,49%), the management of repairs (7,49%), and the analysis of supplyings first equipment (5,29%). The other services of Unitec practically are not known, or however in meager percentages much.
    In particular, it would have to promozionare the services of buyer aggregation (like deducted from the question number 4, the greater part of the customers manages a high number of suppliers) and Netsourcing, than in future is destined to being one of the more profitable instruments, but for hour solo from the 0,88% of the interviewed ones is known.
  10. With regard to the services that do not know, it would wish to receive ulterior information?
    The idea of pubblicizzare the ulterior services of Unitec seems to be approved of from the 58,06% of the total customers, that it demonstrates the propensione wanting to strengthen and to increase the relationships trades them with the just supplying one. With such customers, one political of promotion could carry remarkable advantages already, being itself demonstrates to you receptive in such sense. It must but lend attention to the 41,94% that, to the contrary, is declares to you is not disposed to receive ulterior details on upgrades them performances of Unitec. Costoro, also being important customers also, they are satisfied of that use currently, and is not inclined to know this they supplying more in depth. In case of promozionale initiative, it would be important not to be involved such persons already explicitly, having declared some it are not interested.
  11. It knows that Unitec can fornirLe beyond 100.000 various products, of 5.000 marks international?
    The 62,50% have answered affirmatively. To the contrary, the 37,50% do not know the fornibile number of constructors, and that means that it does not know in full load the business potentialities.
    In case of promozionale action, it is necessary first of all to pubblicizzare the service of brokeraggio, that is that one mainly used and in which Unitec it is specialized. To follow the services to it would go pushes closely legacies (international purchases, international reduction of the number of the suppliers and the documentation, purchases, etc).
    This data is much meaningful because, if we consider that the 37,50% are only the percentage of interviewed, we can consider that on the totality of the customers the number of those who does not know of being able itself to turn to Unitec for much more produced than those currently demands is consisting.
    It is in practical a source of upgrades them yield from cross selling not still taken advantage of, and confirmation how much previously asserted $R-with regard to the necessity to analyze to more in depth the needs of the own customers.
  12. With which cadence it has used the Unitec services in passed (year 2003)?
    The 54,64% of the interviewed ones, are worth to say more of the half of the customers, used Unitec in passed only to little times the year. The 88,66% of it have ud of with a variability that went from the two - three times to the month, until little times the year.
    Only the 11,33% addressed in regular way to the company, in particular with every day frequency and two - three times to week (both 4,12%). Such data signaled also the necessity to tighten tighter relationships with the own customers. The fact that they addressed very rarely to Unitec means also that they did not know all that that Unitec could offer they, and that they would have constituted reason of contact.

    Tab.4.4 Trend of I use of the Unitec services

    Source: our elaboration gives Unitec to you (2004)

  13. With which cadence it uses currently, medium, the Unitec services?
    We notice that the percentage of customers who use little times the year the Unitec services begins to decrementare, constituting the 49,48% of the total.
    It still remains a consisting quota, above all because the total of those who addresses to Unitec to maximum two - three times to the month are of the 86.6%.

    Tab. 4,5 Trend of I use of the Unitec services

    Source: our elaboration gives Unitec to you (2004)

    We begin but to see that the frequency of I use increases, and the percentage of those who uses near Unitec with a variable frequency from once to the month, until the quotidianità, is of the 13,4%, that is the 2,07% in more.
    The frequencies that have endured a greater increment are "2 - 3 times to the month" (that it constitutes 18,56%) and "2 - 3 times to week" (6,19%).
    The relationships with the customers are strengthened in the time, the same ones know better the business potentialities and of it they have use of, consequently also the contact frequency increases.
  14. With which cadence year 2005 thinks to address to Unitec in future ()?
    The general tendency is towards deciding to intensify itself of the relationships with the company.
    The frequency "little times to the year" diminishes of the 17,96% regarding the data puts into effect them. Confronted with that past, a decrease of the 23,12% is found, being to mean that nearly a quarter of the customers is inclined to more and more often address to Unitec.
    It is marks them sure positive, above all if supported from the thesis before expressed, than the customers they are demonstrates to you interested towards quant' other can offer it company to they.
    The 48,91%, that is nearly the half of the customers, has supported of wanting itself to turn to Unitec with one oscillating variability from two - three times to the month, until the quotidianità.
    The frequencies that have had the greater increment are, in order, "2-3 times to month" (+8,51%), "once to week" (+6,69%) and "2-3 times to week" (+4,58%). Potentially the customers, already of for faithful himself, are inclined to equip still more from Unitec. This is an ulterior one marks them of general satisfaction.
  15. Why purchase from Unitec?
    One of the answers more interesting is this, because it allows to understand the motivations that they push the customer to choose possible Unitec rather than an other concurrent one. The explanations give turn out oltretutto the business points of force.
    For the 30,65% the cause has turned out the efficiency and the quality of the lend service.
    It is important to offer a quality service, and the fact that the customers if they notice some is an optimal one marks them.
    He is but fundamental to succeed to maintain to such constants standard of service.

    Fig. 4,6 Motivations of chosen of Unitec like supplier

    Source: our elaboration gives Unitec to you (2004)

    The second motivation, in graduatoria, has been the competitiveness of prices (25,81%), continuation at a distance from the cordialità of staff (16,13%).
    It is interesting to notice that a quality service comes, in importance order, before the prices, demonstrating that the customer is satisfied mainly if receives a treatment adapted to its requirements, although this can causargli greater prices in the services acquires to you.
    Little important are turn out to you the cost reduction of management of supplyings (8,06%), the speed of the deliveries (the 7,53%) and speeds of answer (4,84%).
    The news more interesting is those that come spontaneously from the customers.
    The 6,99% of the customers services of international brokeraggio have motivated the resource to Unitec for the reperibilità of products difficultly reperibili otherwise () or compatible and for having a support in Germany; for list still stilato from the offices it acquires business. In practical, the customers have indicated Unitec like "problem solver" in order searching "the difficult" products, little reperibili or of which he does not know themselves or he succeeds to find an article compatible.
    Unitec represents also a support in Germany, date the possibility to speak the own language and at the same time to have to disposition a foreign supplier.
    These aspects are those that, if opportunely promozionati, would attract more than other new customers.
    They are in fact the bottom reasons because the customers address to Unitec and will be therefore the reasons that could push, more than others, new companies to contact it.
  16. It has never found problems with Unitec?
    We begin to analyze the possible dissatisfactions of the Unitec customers, in order subsequently to study the solutions to such problems.
    The located questions hour serve to stimulate the latent claims in some customers, giving the possibility to place critics to the received service. Important the obtained information are a lot in the optical of the continuous improvement of the business service.
    They serve in fact to improve it, following the directives received from who of it have us of and he is therefore aware of own the real needs. Naturally such problems can have been signal to you even if are passed already some years from the event.
    They are equally important to analyze, in order to estimate if, in the meantime, the causes have been eliminated or not.
    The persons who have had problems in past are 25.
    It is a data to study with attention in order to try to eliminate the causes of such dissatisfaction, therefore in order to avoid reiterarsi of such problems.
  17. If yes, which in particular?
    The problem mainly found turns out to consist in the long times of answer (13 persons). It must give greater importance to the customer, dandogli an answer in minor the possible time, that partial total is it or, positive or negative. The customer has need to feel itself listened, needs of having continues replies from the just supplying one.
    Only in this way a relationship of collaboration more and more tight and based on mutual confidence can be established.

    Fig. 4.7 Problemi della clientela con Unitec

    Source: our elaboration Unitec (2004)

    According to problem it turns out to consist in the delays of the deliveries (10 persons).
    As far as such data, it must consider that often they are going back problems to the source, had from delays of the Unitec suppliers, in which can be only taken part in part.
    The high prices are, for 3 interviewed, an other source of dissatisfaction. It would have to try to discover, if possible, the prices of the competition in order to make comparisons precise.
    From this more convenient sources of supplying also for Unitec could themselves be found.
    Ulterior problems, also if in percentages a much meager (that is single person), are turn out to you the lack of the accompanyment bubbles, the anticipated deliveries, with consequent advance payment of the expiration of the payment, and difficulty with the installations of the materials acquires to you. Analyzing in particular to the lack of the bubbles, confronting the claim received with the totality of the bubbles emitted in entire year 2003 37 , we find that the incidence of such error is equal to 0,064%.

  18. It is satisfied of like have been resolved the problems finds to you? Why?
    The majority of those who has found problems (81,40%) turns out to be satisfied of the modality with which the same ones have been resolved. This data is a lot encouraging.
    If the problem comes resolved with satisfaction from part of the customer, these become still more faithful, because in such situation it is concentrates to you in dargli the full compensation of the received lack.
    The remaining eight declare but one be of dissatisfaction with regard to.
    The reasons of such latent state turn out to be, in particular, reiterare of the error and the length of the times of answer.
  19. Has been repeated the found error?
    In nearly the half of the cases (16 persons) the error has been taken place newly.
    Reiterare of the same error turns out therefore to be the more important problem of the Unitec.
    Many times that is cause of large dissatisfaction in the customers. If generally satisfied, the customer easy pardons an error of the supplier.
    We see in fact from give previous that nearly the totality of has had problems, them to you also have seen to resolve in satisfactory way.
    Unfortunately, if the problem persists and reitera in the time, the possibilities "to come pardon to you" diminish.
    Probably but the opportunity to have been able to vent the just dissatisfied one with such questionnaires, and of to have been listens to you with regard to, will have carried in part gratification in such customers.
    In any case, it is important to try not to repeat the same errors, and indeed to learn from the same ones in order to constantly improve the offered service.
  20. Considering 0 = not important, and 5 = a lot important, which importance attributes to...
    The more important aspect for the Unitec customers has turned out the correctness in the deliveries (medium value 4,67) and the puntualità of same (the 4,65), followed from the competitiveness of prices (4,47) and from the speed of answer (4,41).
    The clarity and syntheses of the communications come then, with value 4,27, and the cordialità of staff (3,99).
    The aspects of the service to cure with more attention are the deliveries and the speed of the answers to the customers, that is the elements consider more important you from the same ones.
    To provoke dissatisfaction in such ambles will cause to greater damages respect to you to other disservizi.
    It must therefore concentrate resources and attention in these more still ambles to you that on the others.
    Moreover, particular importance turns out to have the prices, which must be competiti to you regarding the contenders.
    Like approval previously, the prices second turn out the second motivation of purchase near Unitec, confirming some the importance the customers.
  21. Considering 0 = insoddisfatto, and 5 = much satisfying, which are its degree of satisfaction regarding...
    In graduatoria, the degree of greater satisfaction has been found in the cordialità of staff (4,40), followed to short from the correctness of deliveries (4,22).
    The clarity of the communications, with value 3,95, the puntualità of the deliveries (the 3,94) and speeds of answer (3,74 come then). Last they turn out the speed of reception of the offered ones, with 3.65, and prices (3,34).
    The customers turn out particularly content of the staff with which they take to contact, testifying the cordialità climate and availability that is established to the inside of the company.
    Positive it is also the judgment reported to the quality of the communications with the customers and to the correctness of the deliveries, while the puntualità of the same ones difetta in so far as. Once again, ribadisce the need of velocizzare the times of answer and emission of the offered ones, let alone to carry out a control on the levels of the prices, one of the aspects centers them of the total service.

    Tab. 4,6 Comparazione between importance and satisfaction

    Source: our elaboration gives Unitec to you (2004)

    Soppesando the values before cited with a total percentage, is in a position to estimating the importance and the relative satisfaction for the aspects considers you.
    For the first aspect in importance order, that is the correctness of the deliveries, finds one situation of general satisfaction. In reference to the puntualità of the deliveries, the value of the waits discosta little from that one of satisfaction, revealing itself also here one positive situation.
    The prices are those that mainly introduce a separation between expectations and satisfaction.
    Like already previously observed, the level of the prices is considered elevated, second a part of the interviewed customers.
    Continuing to address to Unitec, they demonstrate but that the paid price corresponds to a good level of received service.
    The speed of emission of offered and the that one of answer must be improved, in how much introduce obvious gap to overwhelm, like already more times supported for the answer speed.
    Clarity and syntheses of the communications find positive value, indicating that the qualitative level of the information transmitted to the customer is good.
    The relative data to the cordialità of the staff introduces a marked one gap in positive.
    The Unitec collaborators introduce the pregio to succeed to establish good relations with the customers.
    This is fundamental in order to create a profitable relationship of confidence and collaboration, than door to obtain the fidelity of the customers and all the advantages to that correlate to you.
  22. The situated Internet di Unitec knows and visits (
    More of the half of the interviewed Unitec customers, that is the 54,64%, do not know situated the business one.
    Of remaining half (45,36%), some are those who have known Unitec thanks to Internet.
    This means that the Unitec customers who visit of they situated initiative the business one are approximately a third party of the interviewed ones.
    If the customers do not know the situated one, a lot probably will not know neanche the Netsourcing service, neither will use it.
    It must consider but that some of the customers do not have the possibility to use Internet, neither to take advantage of of the instruments.
    This is one of the motivations for which many they have compiled the questionnaire through attached email or fax, rather than Internet.
  23. If yes, as it finds the situated one, second the following aspects?
    To those who they know situated the business one, has been asked in way more deepened a judgment on some aspects for the same one.
    For being visited gladly, a situated Internet must be interesting, graphically attractive and easy consultabile.
    Although it is a famous data that the situated Unitec is a lot visited, to have a reply directed from the own customers can help to understand if it upgrades them new customers could some it are attracted or not.
    In this according to case, which are the difficulties found during the visit.
    Moreover they have been asked suggestions in reference the improvement for the situated Unitec in a generalized manner, and the Netsourcing service in particular.

    Tab.4.7 Judgment on the structure of the situated Unitec

    Source: our elaboration gives Unitec to you (2004)

    The first judgment has been demanded in reference to the structure of the situated one.
    The possible options were: complex, simple mean and. The majority of the interviewed ones, that they know the situated one, finds it of medium complexity.
    Sure excessive simple structure cannot have one, being much rich one of contents.
    One medium complexity can be considered a positive judgment, but it would in any case have to try to simplify the structure, in order to create little possible difficulty to the customer.

    Tab.4.8 Judgment on the structure of the situated Unitec

    Source: our elaboration gives Unitec to you (2004)

    The second demanded opinion refers to the diagram of situated, optimal, beautiful or the mediocre one.
    Pleasant a graphical aspect incuriosisce and withholds the visitors, and stimulates to try the business service.
    Majority (86,36%) thinks that the diagram of the situated one is beautiful, 9,09% the quite optimal one.

    Tab.4.9 Judgment on the structure of the situated Unitec

    Source: our elaboration gives Unitec to you (2004)

    The last question concerns the immediacy, or less, of the present information on the situated one.
    It is important that the visitor can find in short times that that tries, in order to receive from endured an impression of efficiency of the company.
    Also for such aspect, the greater part of the interpellati ones has answered with positive judgment, asserting that the information on the situated Unitec is immediate.
    In a generalized manner, the impression of the customers in the comparisons of situated the business one is good.
  24. It possesses the password for Netsourcing (
    Only a minimal percentage, correspondent to the 14,43% of the interviewed ones, possesses the password for Netsourcing, the service of supplyings on-linens.
    Such data is consequent to the fact that more of the half of the customers does not know such service, therefore of it has not never demanded the access.
  25. It would want to receive the password for Netsourcing?
    The 48,57% have declared of being interested to receive such password.
    Promovendo the Netsourcing service, potentially would be arrived to the half of the customers with the access possession.
    Considering moreover that Internet more and more is used, and it it will be still more in the future, becomes beginning right now important to implement such service, in order to take advantage of of the positive effects you in the immediate future.
    With such information, it is joints to consider the possibility to grant to the access in automatic rifle to all those who are declares to you interested to have it.
    The suggestion is to try, for how much possible one, to stimulate the situated visit of the business one, especially pushing the interest towards the service Netsourcing, still little known and taken advantage of.
  26. Quali miglioramenti propone riguardo al sito Unitec e/o al servizio Netsourcing?
  27. Which improvements propose with regard to the situated Unitec and/or to the Netsourcing service?
    It has been inserted a question opened in this point, in order to leave free space to the ideas and the suggestions of the customers for the situated Unitec and the linen service procurement on.
    Later on, ve of it is an other reported to the Unitec service in a generalized manner (question nr.32).
    The emerged proposals have been to simplify the structure of the situated one, to be able to modify the password and to improve the times of escape of the demands for purchase. The last point already is emerged from the previous answers, goes therefore placed in the improvement of the general service. The first two proposals are interesting to estimate, because they signal difficulty in I use of the situated one.
    If possible, the structure would have to be become simpler some, in order to facilitate of the consultation, and to introduce the possibility to modify password just the piacimento. Such last point allows moreover a personalizzazione of the service, than, like ribadito sin from the first one understood it, it is a lot appreciated from the customer.
  28. With which modality it mostly forwards Its demands for offer and Its orders?
    Unitec is stiff to uses always greater of Internet and all the instruments alternated you to the usual modalities of communication.
    Therefore, it is intentional to inquire if also the business customers stretch in such direction, or is not still ready to pick such opportunities of managerial savings.

    Fig. 4,8 Modalities of I forward documents

    Source: our elaboration gives Unitec to you (2004)

    The means mainly used for I forward it of the demands for offer and of the orders it is the Fax (47,42%), that is most traditional.
    A lot used is also the email, with a percentage of the 28,87%, signaling that the cartacei documents stretch in all the companies to being replaced with form to you electronic, less cumbersome ones.
    Last used instrument is telephone (23,71%), while the Netsourcing option has not been selected from some customer.
    It is interesting to notice that nobody has marked Netsourcing like method for forwards it of the own demands.
    Probably the usual customers try instruments alternated you to traditional fax or the telephone, and they have found it in the email, that they represent good part of I forward of demands. Moreover the email has greater personalizzazione, in how much they come addressed directly to a reference person, of own confidence and with which a lot probably they have already had previous relationships.
    Netsourcing could be preferibile for the customers strongly orients to you towards the Internet instruments, or for new customers, or with which a strong personalized tie is not had, and to which it interests the single quality of the service, and not a fiduciary relationship with the business staff, at least initially.
    It must add, like correction to such result, than Netsourcing it remains still practically not used since still it is not considered, from the point of view of the companies customers, an instrument in a position to emitting demanded equipollenti to those formalized.
    Until Netsourcing it will not come estimated from the customers like a formal instrument, will remain mainly means in order to consult, in fast and effective way, the prices and the availability of the products of which it is needed.
  29. If it did not buy from Unitec, which company would address?
    In concluding such surveying, is intentional sondare the market in order to understand who is the effective contenders and upgrades them of Unitec, therefore to that type of suppliers is compared the company from the own customers.

    Fig. 4,9 Competitor analyses upgrades them Unitec - territorialità

    Source: our elaboration gives Unitec to you (2004)

    Analyzing the competition it upgrades them of Unitec, we discover that the greater part of the customers, in full freedom of choice, would prefer to address to Italian suppliers (for the 84,04%). In measure much minor has been chosen German suppliers (9,57%), English, Chinese and Brazilians. In reference to such answer, two precisazioni are necessary. Before it is that the competition upgrades is constituted them mostly from Italy, essentially because the customers are in majority Italian.
    The difficulties in order to address to foreign suppliers are many, not last the problem of the languages. Therefore they would stretch to remain to the inside of the national territory. The second consideration is that smaller answers, which Brasi them, have been chosen from customers of the place.
    That means that, being able to choose, the customers would address however local suppliers, whose management is the much easyst one.
    Important answers are instead the choice of Germany and England, that they could really be considers important contenders you.
  30. In order which reason?
    We see hour because the customers would choose such suppliers.
    The greater part has given like motivations the smaller shipping charges to support (35,96%) and economic convenience (34,83%).
    In smaller measure the explanations have been the diversification of the suppliers (the 8,99%) and greater such reliabilities of other companies (7,87%). The motivations tied to the better infrastructures and the courtesy of the staff are not considered important, being been chosen single in the 1,12% of the cases.
    The economic convenience and the smaller shipping charges in truth hide the difficulties tied to the management of foreign suppliers. They are therefore marks them of one problematic more complex.

    Fig. 4,10 Competitor analyses upgrades them Unitec - motivations

    Source: our elaboration gives Unitec to you (2004)

    Only one minimal percentage is composed from those who diversifies suppliers (8.99%), choosing in particular Countries which the Germany, England or China.
    These companies possess upgrade them of languages and acquaintances of strong the foreign markets to the just inner one, while, in a generalized manner, the Italian customers difetta a po' in so far as, and exactly use Unitec like support to such care.
  31. When not purchase from Unitec, to who addresses?
    This question serves in order to understand where the Unitec contenders reside effectively.
    Naturally, the majority has declared to address to Italian companies (83,33%), that is to the inside of the own nation of belongings. The same explanation is valevole for those who has answered United States.
    Other nations to consider as concurrent effectives are China and England, spontaneously indicate you from the customers with the option "other" (10,42%), with to the USA.

    Fig. 4,11 territorial Analyses of the Unitec competition

    Source: our elaboration gives Unitec to you (2004)

    The Germany remains important, also if chosen in minimal percentage (6,25%).
    The linguistiche difficulties prevent or however they limit the customers, especially Italian, in addressing directly to the German constructors.
    It is from considering moreover that, knowing Unitec, probably they will address to this for the own needs of material of German origin.
  32. To who one addresses, in particular?
    To analyze the effective competition not only means to localize it territorial, but to understand to that field belongs, and therefore with who it must be confronted to level of service and of prices it applies to you.
    The main contenders are costituti from the constructors or main suppliers of the products demands (80,41%).
    The retailers (the 9,28%) and normal schools broker (7,22%) have been chosen in minimal percentage.
    That means that they are not directed concurrent, and that Unitec offers a wider service and in directed competition with the sources of the fornibili products.

    Fig. 4,12 Competitor analyses Unitec

    Source: our elaboration gives Unitec to you (2004)

    This means also that, comparing the company to a constructor, the customers show levels of prices similar to that practice to you from this. It will want therefore to avoid the markups practices to you from the intermediaries, let alone to shorten the times of delivery of the material demands.
  33. Which proposals suggest in order to improve the turned service?
    The last open question is inserted in order to obtain suggestions and spontaneous proposals from the customers.
    The obtained answers have been in part confirmations of the quality of the business service.
    Between the others, we have received some suggestions to hold in serious consideration, just for their spontaneous nature.
    They can be essentially reassumed in three councils, that is: to improve the speed in the answers and the deliveries; to diminish the prices, or to more render them standard on the materials competiti to you; to integrate in the offer all the technical information to disposition.
    The problems, or suggestions from part of the customers, uniform aim at the concerning aspects the speed of the answers (more still that the offer, the customers want an answer), and on the prices, to maintain "low standards" or however on the materials in which Unitec it is mainly competitive.
  34. In an interested scale from 0 = for null to 3 = much inclined one, how much thinks to use, in future, the instruments and the potentialities that Internet offers? (optional answer)
    The conclusion of the questionnaire is composed from two optional questions.
    Before it tries to understand the trend of I use of Internet in the future one from part of the companies puts into effect them customers, the second one prayed the same ones to indicate the situated business Internet and the email of the persons who could be, for Unitec, of contact.

    Fig. 4,13 future Tendency to I use of Internet

    Source: our elaboration gives Unitec to you (2004)

    The 42,25% of the interviewed ones propensione introduces one much high one to the employment of Internet and the instruments from these offers, in the future. The 33,80% have declared a high inclination towards the same one.
    The minority turns out little interested instead, having answered for the 19,72% of being little inclined, and for the 4,23% is not it absolutely.
    The propensione for the future turns out therefore to be high towards uses it of Internet (in total, 86,05%).
    Probably the companies will not have other choice if not to entrust itself to Internet for the management of many business aspects for being able to remain competitive you on the market.
    Unitec already is prepared to face such tendency, having to disposition many Internet-based instruments for supplyings, proposals beginning right now to the fruitori of the own services.
  35. I pray to indicate situated web of Its company and email of the contact persons (optional answer)
    The last question is essential in the optical of the modernization of database the customers business.
    It allows in fact to verify the present information in system where, correcting them necessary, let alone to widen the same ones, adding not known contacts still. These last ones could be adressees of business promozionali messages, in how much not having important relations with the company, of it do not know the abilities.
    The situated company Internet customers usually are known, but some could have inaugurated it from little, or to have modified it in the time. Moreover, the information obtained with this question will be useful above all to the associate company, that is the Unitec Services&Web, that it will be able to contact the turning out companies lacking in situated web and propose for the realization of the same one.


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