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CHAPTER 3: The Unitec case

3.1 Unitec D High Tech Industrieprodukte Vertriebs Gmbh

UNITEC D High Tech Industrieprodukte Vertriebs GmbH 15 is born on ending of years ' 80 on initiative of an Italian entrepreneur, with the objective to supply a characterized support to companies that used industrial members German or international, but distributed in Europe through the situated branchs (office) in Germany.
To the beginnings, the Unitec customers were constituted from enterprises whose fields trade them were wide orient you to the foreign country, while the offices acquire were still many legacies $R-al.mercato inner.
The enterprises customers mostly belonged to the fields metal worker and mechanic, electronic and of the distribution.
In particular, the customers were constituted from enterprises of production characterized from a rack jobber from part of German companies of the automotive field, and needed, consequently, of reciprocations and products constructed with German technology.
Unitec supplied they a valid support in the finding of such materials, possessing linguistiche, managerial and logistic acquaintances sufficient, let alone adapted technical competences on the products.
Concentrating itself in the specific field of the services to the companies, Unitec more and more benefitted of the created passaparola in such atmosphere, acquiring customers.
In this phase of increase, the company increased its competitive force and defined with greater precision the fornibili products.
In particular, it began to propose to the customers the service of integrated material different supply like instrument in order to catch up remarkable logistic advantages, managerial acts to you and; the concept of Outsourcing was delineated moreover.
In the second half of years ' 90, Unitec abandoned the organizational outline of hierarchical type and adopted instead one structure of matriciale type, characterized from the division of the staff in job team.
In 1997 Unitec Services&Web (USW was founded), for the management of the activities Internet and the computer science development.
Thanks to its support, the successive year Unitec endured one carried out, informatizzando completely the workflow 15 business, until catching up the office level of paperless 17 .
Today Unitec has a system software ERP 18 (Enterprise Resource Planning) realized entire on the requirements of the enterprise, thanks to which it can manage in real time the entire process of supplying concurring to obtain continues savings on the management of the information, which more are not tied to the cartacea documentation.
In the 1999 Unitec it received the certification of quality from part of the Lloyd' s Register Quality Assurance (LRQA), applied to systems of supply integrated in outsourcing, development of managerial processes paperless and Internet applications, to norm ISO 9000. The increasing importance of Unitec was confirmed from the interest demonstrated from many investor in order to carry the company in Ag, because of the activities connected with Internet, which Netsourcing, Virtual Warehouse, E-procurement, Outsourcing of supplyings, integrated supply and supply chain management.
They began to being written up numerous banns on the services offers from Unitec, which received oltretutto the acknowledgment of the Lemma for the ideazione of Virtual Warehouse 19 .
The company has a strategic positioning, that is to Augsburg, in the heart of the German Baviera.
To be to the center of Europe allows them to be near is to the supplying sources that to the own customers, let alone to the plants and European branchs (office) of companies residing outside from Europe.
Moreover Augsburg, therefore the same Unitec, is found in an area in which they are concentrated is automotive companies that enterprises to high technology, which, as an example, Mercedes and Porsche close to Stoccarda, Heide and Müller near Augsburg, BMW and Audios to Monaco.
Unitec is moreover active member of the DIN 20 (Deutsche Institut für Normung), of which it has entered to make part in November 1995, and near which it exercises to be able decisional having the ballot faculty.
Today Unitec is a company to the vanguard, that it uses processes paperless and that operates in ambles to you innovated you of the market, which the e-procurement. In particular, it has been specialized in the services of supply integrated of the non-production goods and MRO 21 , like the replacement parts for machinery and systems of several production of fields, which that automotive, chemical one, of the naval press and, and in the outsourcing of supplyings 22 .
Moreover, it collaborates in tightened contact with the University, deepening the own concepts developing them with scientific methods, therefore as recently it has happened for the study of the cost analysis based on the activities (ABC 23 ).


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