CHAPTER 2: The Customer Satisfaction in Vision 2000
2.5 Surveyings of Customer Satisfaction
The happened one of every organization is based on the ability to know to comprise requirements and expectations, present and future, expressed and latent of the own customers, are put into effect them that it upgrades them. After to have translate them in specific requirement, it must satisfy them and indeed aim to exceed the expectations of the customers, in competitive way. Surveyings on the satisfaction, inserted in the system of management for the quality, have the scope to supply the elements for being able to determine following drivers 14 (factors): those that cause to satisfaction and dissatisfaction of the customers, those that influence the behaviors of the customers and those that concur to produce the relati to you pointers of performance of the organization. In this way the effectiveness of the put into effect actions can be monitorare in order to improve the satisfaction of the customers and moreover they come supplied new input for the improvement of the offered service. The Marketing of the Customer demands the survey of the customer satisfaction and the pointers of second performance to of the various classes of customers (es. basic and premium), using champions of the universe customers, to support of the appraisal of upgrades them of increase of the customers. Moreover, it proposes a survey characterizes them for a limited number of great customers. The scope of the survey, in both cases, is that one to correlate the satisfaction to the fidelity, and this last one to profitable behaviors of purchase for the organization. Vision 2000 asks express that they come carried out, periodically, surveyings of customer satisfaction. If the company is certifyd, can enjoy a already satisfied requirement; in contrary case, predisporsi manage the satisfaction of the own customers can however, drawing some important advantages. In fact, to invest in the fidelity of the customer makes to save the organization in the activity of acquisition of new customers, and renders the same one of the own points of force aware. Moreover, turning attentions to the customer, of it it comprises the needs and it prevents therefore the problems and the claims that would derive some.
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