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Chapter 4: The cost analysis of the outsourcing of supplyings with the A.B.C.: the case Unitec Gmbh

4.6. Some conclusive considerations

Through the development of the several ones it is made of the book keeping survey is joints to set up a reasonable explanation of the not strategic choices of outsourcing of product supplying low cost, that is of wrap B and C.
It is useful to this point ribadire that for being able to develop the model they have been made some simplifications that they have been able to cause some small deformation in the values.
Essentially the simplifications are from characterizing themselves in two fundamental aspects like the association of the activities of supplying to single competent units without to keep in mind the existing interrelations between they.
This particular one has been corrected in part increasing the times of some single shared activities.
The other approximation is tied to the clean distinction, seppur sure indicative, between the percentages of the consumption of the resources between the products of wrap To and those of wrap B and C.
However, in spite of the simplifications brought, remains however valid the total result of the carried out job.
A consideration a lot important in the tied choice of outsorcing to this model, is the careful appraisal of the effective economic returns.
The riallocazione of the resources in the activities and the reorganization of this last must carry to an increment of profit for the enterprise through one cost reduction of process.
It remains therefore the problem to render such costs effectively variable entrusting itself to the outsourcing and of monitorare the efficiency of the reorganization of the business function, but comes true in continuous way the saving of resources is financial institutions that human.
In our case applying the complete module of outsourcing some voices of cost like the costs of warehouse are reduced as an example, contabilita and administration, through agreements of supply integrated; and the costs of process become variable making head to the unit acquire, tying the cost to the volume of ordinazione of not strategic material low cost and paying to Unitec the commission on the quantitative one ordered.
For as it has been conceived, the service offered from the Unitec succeeds to satisfy many of inefficiencies of the provider of e-procurement, as an example to resolve problems of incompatibilità of the codes of product between purchaser and supplier, in how much solo like an intermediary in the purchase process is not proposed using a platform electronic, as it happens for many e-marketplace focuses to you on catalogues, but always is engaged in the search of new sources of supplying and in tightening with the customers collaborative relations highly integrated.


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