Chapter 1: The impact of the Information & Comunication Technology on the supply relationships
1.6.2. The Web-configured company.
The introduction of Internet in the supply chain can to regard not only the optimization of critical
areas but also one deep review of the chains of the value.
Some examples of the opportunitá perseguibili are:
The Ducati considers the design, prototyping, industrialization, bench testing, racetrack testing, like independent microcosms
that interact between of they continuously.
" These atoms generate energy that moves in the other functions and the
interaction do not make other that to multiply this energy feeding the entire molecule " (Federico Minoli president of
the Ducati motor).
The Nike has been entrusted to the Paccess Europe in order to restructure own supply
chain in the division the footwear.
The Nike takes advantage of two divisions design in Europe and U.S.A.
The production is dislocated also in Asia and Africa and the fundamental problem of the own one supply chain was a Lead Time too much elevated with high logistic costs and constitution
of elevated supplyes.
In more the Nike it is characterized from one large varietá of products in catalogue, one limited
possibilitá in the long term to make sales forecasts and a cycle of life of the short product.
The solution offered from
the Paccess, a society
specialized in finding specific solutions to the own customers for the management of the supply
chain, has been to develop a product given management based on Internet technology, that it has qualified all the actors
to take part directly to the phase of design of every product.
All the several concerning parts the product designer,
from the production to the logistics, the partner of the packaging to the marketing, have immediately approached all give
you of which they have need.
This managerialproduct coordinates the flow of information and eventually it guides the
decisions in case of conflicts.
With this system the Time to market of a new product reduces nearly 30%.
An other
interesting example of restructure of the supply chain is the case of the Flos, company manufacturer of lamps whose design
is realized from famous architects.
The supply chain of the Flos it is characterized from an elevated number of suppliers
and also in this case the increase of the informative net, has allowed to create one high visibility between the
partners and to modernize the state of the warehouses in automatic way.
Naturally the level of visibility of the supplier
is decided from Flos.
This system has allowed to an increment of the control on the net of the suppliers and subfornitori
(approximately three hundred), an increment of the flexibility and the long cooperation the supply chain, an improvement
of the distribution, reduction of lead the Time.
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