Chapter 1: The impact of the Information & Comunication Technology on the supply relationships
In a generalized manner the areas of participation for the integrated management of the supply are
numerous chain.
In this paragraph those will be taken in consideration that act on the causes and the mechanisms of
propagation of the Forrester effect.
From described how much in the previous paragraph it emerges that the problems of
amplification of the question can mainly be associate you to the lack of coordination between the actors of the supply chain,
distortions in the transmission of the information from goes them to mount, management scorretta of the cycle of the order and
the planning of purchases, production and distribution etc.
They are these problems that can be face through one integrated
management to you of the flows physical and informed to you.
As far as the physical flows along the supply chain, without
doubt it constitutes opportunitá for all actors of the network, an approach integrated for the planning and the control of
the supplyes for means of a net of organizations that they cooperate, focusing itself on the question of the final market.
The enterprises stretch to concentrate themselves on the immediate effects and obvious, like costs of purchase and the
available immediate of the products when the customer demands them, neglecting the complex interrelations between the
stocks it dislocates to you in various points of the supply network.
Lack of performance pointers reported to the supply
network or does not align to you, inaccuratezza on the state of advance of the orders, simple management of the supplyes
(as an example one indifferenziata and static management for every code), on the transport political between operating decision
and separation, incomplete analysis planning supply network: they are these situations in which us can to find when the
problem of the management of the physical flows is faced that in part can to be due also to the lack of acquaintance of the
operation and the consequences of the Forrester effect.
To transmit and to have to disposition accurate information and to
the just moment they are conditions necessary in order to create a efficient informative flow. Beyond to the modality of
transmission to cascade of the information from the supply goes them towards long mount chain, that it contributes to render
them obsolete, is other causes of distortion of the flows informed to you like:
- Delays understandings, are like delays in the shipment of the information are like slowness of the processes of creation
of the information.
- Noises introduced from errors in the communication channel
- It disturbs as taken care of forecasts or it does not use of rough rules
The entire one supply chain is managed more efficaciemente when every actor who ago part is some in a position to directly
capturing the pertinenti information its activity from the ring of the chain in which they come generated, without the
intermediation of some actor who of it alters the meant one or quite he withholds to them.
It is not necessary that all the members of the supply chain have acesso to the same information.
He is sufficient, and also convenient in terms of costs and elaboration, than every actor it has limited visibility to the
information useful in order to only manage better the part than own pertinenza.
To the aim to limit the amplification of
the question, in literature it comes attributed to much importance the role of give on the sales to the final consumers.
Traditionally in fact, the single actors of the supply chain plan and program the own single activities on the base of give
on the sales to their immediate customers.
When all the actors have to disposition in way not distorted and dawned they
give to you creates a "channel of the information enriched", that it concurs with every single actor to take the own
decisions for the management of the logistic processes knowing ció that the final market is effectively asking.
The transmission of gives you from the point sale to all the members of the supply chain, in place of that traditional one
to cascade, re-enters in the strategy of jam of the time of reaction to the final question that concurs to create one supply
chain agile. The time of cycle total, defined like the time that elapses between the demand for the customer and its
satisfaction, has two members: the flow of the materials and the flow of the information.
Traditionally much attention comes turned to the first aspect, without to consider that the flow of the materials are activated
from the flow from the information and that to react to orders transmitted slowly it meaningfully does not improve dynamics of
answer to the changes of the question.
Remarkable benefits can be obtained, instead acting also on according to aspect from
the moment that the new technologies render possible reductions always greater of the time of exchange of the information.
In fact, to reduce lead the Time of the flow of the materials allows the actors to goes them to reduce the total level of
Of other part, the reduction of lead the Time of the flow of the information, concurs to diminish the
amplitude between the maximum and minimal level of the supplyes, because the actors to go them can decide of greater
information on the available of products from part of the suppliers, limiting the resource to the over orders.