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Chapter 1: The impact of the Information & Comunication Technology on the supply relationships

1.3. The variable ones of the Supply Chain

The production process passes through one series of step intermediate.
This generates one series of functions to manage to its inside:

The definition of these functions and their integration would generate a complete vision of the production process, concurring the management with smaller risks, minors supplyes, more elevate indices to you than spin of the warehouse, short cycles of order, more correct and fast deliveries, active control of the transport services, sharing of the information in real time and more adapted level than service to the customer.
The creation of a map of the supply chain, in which light on the number of the subject participants is made, the critical type of relations and subjects us for a efficient management, is of great interest in how much can to evidence one series of factors like:

1.4. Areas of participation for the management of the Supply Chain

The renewed interest around meant of S.C.M. and integration of the business processes is the point of departure of the paragraphs succeeded to you in which management not coordinated of the supply is wanted to be identified some levers of participation in order to face the problems deriving from one chain.
Described Verrį the effect of amplification of the assumed long question the supply chain from Jay Forrester³, that is the tradition of studies that leave from the theory on the course of the orders in systems of enterprises connected from relations customer-supplier and in the second place will come considered some causes of the amplification of the question like the management of the flows informed to you and physical.


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