Tab. 1: The procurement activities during the traditional process
Tab. 2: Cost effects of the three transaction dimensions
Tab. 3: Transaction characteristics of the three institutional arrangements
Tab. 4: The three transaction dimensions regarding the procurement
Tab. 5: Comparison between paged out and enterprise-internal procurement regarding the organization form characteristics from the transaction cost theory
Tab. 6: Cost structure the customer GmbH
Tab. 7: Times and load percentages of the activities of the material requirement in the internal procurement
Tab. 8: Times and load percentages of the activities of the order and/or the order in the internal procurement
Tab. 9: Times and load percentages of the activities of the incoming goods in the internal procurement
Tab. 10: Times and load percentages of the activities of the audit in the internal procurement
Tab. 11: Times and load percentages of the activities of the conclude payment operations in the internal procurement
Tab. 12: Allocation of the personnel expenditure in the internal procurement
Tab. 13: Allocation of the structure and the machinery costs in the internal procurement
Tab. 14: Allocation of the costs of energy materials consumption in the internal procurement
Tab. 15: Allocation of the costs of the other expenditures in the internal procurement
Tab. 16: The process costs of the internal procurement
Tab. 17: The process costs of B and C-parts in the internal procurement
Tab. 18: Times and load percentages of the activities of the material requirement in the paged out procurement with participation of the purchase department
Tab. 19: Times and load percentages of the activities of the order and/or the order in the paged out procurement with participation of the purchase department
Tab. 20: Times and load percentages of the activities of the incoming goods in the paged out procurement with participation of the purchase department
Tab. 21: Times and load percentages of the activities of the audit in the paged out procurement with participation of the purchase department
Tab. 22: Times and load percentages of the activities of the conclude payment operations in the paged out procurement with participation of the purchase department
Tab. 23: Allocation of the personnel expenditure in the paged out procurement with participation of the purchase department
Tab. 24: Allocation of the structure and the machinery costs in the paged out procurement with participation of the purchase department
Tab. 25: Allocation of the costs of energy and materials consumption in the paged out procurement with participation of the purchase department
Tab. 26: Allocation of the costs of the other expenditures in the paged out procurement with participation of the purchase department
Tab. 27: The process costs of the paged out procurement with participation of the purchase department
Tab. 28: The process costs of B and C-parts in the paged out procurement with participation of the purchase department
Tab. 29: Process cost comparison for the procurement of B and C-parts
Tab. 30: Times and load percentages of the activities of the material requirement in the paged out procurement without participation of the purchase department
Tab. 31: Times and load percentages of the activities of the order and/or the order for B and C-parts in the paged out procurement without participation of the purchase department
Tab. 32: Times and load percentages of the activities of the order and/or the order for the A-parts in the paged out procurement without participation of the purchase department
Tab. 33: Allocation of the personnel expenditure in the paged out procurement without participation of the purchase department
Tab. 34: Allocation of the structure and the machinery costs in the paged out procurement without participation of the purchase department
Tab. 35: Allocation of the costs of energy and materials consumption in the paged out procurement without participation of the purchase department
Tab. 36: Allocation of the costs of the other expenditures in the paged out procurement without participation of the purchase department
Tab. 37: The process costs of the paged out procurement without participation of the purchase department
Tab. 38: The process costs of B and C-parts in the paged out procurement without participation of the purchase department
Tab. 39: Process cost comparison for the procurement of B and C-parts
Tab. 40: Stock costs of the internal procurement
Tab. 41: Stock costs of the paged out procurement
Tab. 42: Total cost comparison between enterprise-internal and paged out procurement