The Italian productive apparatus is constituted in prevalence from enterprises of small and average
dimension. One of its fundamental characteristics is integration of the enterprises to the inside of "district" the so-called
areas that mitigate the effects denied you of the meager dimension on the business efficiency and the competitive ability to
the system.
The "cluster industrial one" defined in Italy "industrial district" can be considered like a "territorial
concentration" of small-medium enterprises with emphasized specialization in the manufatturieri fields, which, in virtue of the
relations between they and the role carried out from the external atmosphere in the transmission of the know-how specific and
the values of the industrial job, succeed to produce in efficient way and to compete on the markets with enterprises of greater
dimension ".
In our Country the acknowledgment and the regulation of the industrial districts the birth of the phenomenon has
happened with much delay respect, through the 5 Law October 1991, n. 317:
" Art. 1. Purpose of the law and definition of
small enterprise. The present law has the purpose to promote the development, the innovation and the competitiveness of the small
enterprises, constituted also in shape cooperative... "
The main scope legacy to the birth of the industrial districts
is that one to favor, in zones with determined economic characteristics, the creation and the development of productive activities
in the fields of the industry and the services.
Multiple they are the criteria that can be use you in order to define the
"cluster industrial one". Consequently it is not possible to characterize the present exact number in Italy.
To second of the used definition and the parameters chosen (geographic, legal or economic) the result of the varied esteem
in meaningful way. The economic disciplines teach that the small enterprises, alone, are not in a position to competing on
the international markets. Nevertheless it turns out obtained to you from the small-medium enterprises pertaining to industrial
districts seem to refute in such full load affirmation. That is possible in how much the competitiveness of such enterprises
is strengthened from the interrelations and from the ties that are settled down on the territory in force of the common sector
specialization and the concentration it spaces them. This productive model, until little time makes typical of the Italian
truth, is being diffused in the manifacturing industry on world-wide scale. The tendencies in action show, in fact, an
entrepreneurial guideline face more and more to favor the relations between enterprises. Such relations, from hierarchical
structures are evolvendo towards more flexible shapes in a position to facing the changes better acclimatize them and of market.
The enterprises that operate in the districts base their competitiveness on:
- smaller costs of some productive factors and services between which supplyes, reciprocations, workings of small series;
- benefits legacies to the critical mass of the characteristic activities which: river basin of laborers and technicians with
particular competences, technical schools, depuratori centralizes to you, net of shippers, assemblers, image of the territory
like center of excellence;
- facilitation of all the activities connected to the innovation: circulation of information,
prototypes, creativity, fairs;
- propitious climate to the constitution of new enterprises: entrepreneurial plans realize
to you without to demand necessarily investments in all are made of the production process, experiences are diffused, confidence
from part of the other enterprises in supplying raw materials or working $R-on account thirds party....
The industrial district demonstrates moreover of being an ideal atmosphere in order to start and to cultivate relationships
collaborated to you finalizes to you to increase the competitiveness ulteriorly thanks to:
- collaboration climate that is created to local level between local agencies, mayoralties and associations of category
like investments in infrastructures, not conflict industrial relations;
- collaboration between concurrent enterprises also
between of they that they stretch to assume, more often than how much does not happen outside from the districts, attitudes
cooperated to you;
- understood them social collective which: mutual confidence, interpersonal relations, nets of friends
who facilitate the circulation of information....
The development and the concentration of many activities can but generate,
beyond to benefits, also costs and diseconomie tied to:
- congestion (traffic, prices of the building areas,..);
- pressure on the job offer (rare of professional figures,..);
- changes in the system of the values (clouding of the entrepreneurial, young energies that orient the own professional
careers towards other fields);
- logistic, administrative and structural redundancies.
But from it turns out to you finds the advantages to you exceed the disadvantages decidedly.
There is but to evidence that after years of favorable conjuncture, the situation of the industrial districts is evolvendo
quickly. Globalization, concentration and movement of the barycentre of the productive rows towards the distribution are
having an impact consisting on the districts and the effects are evidenced on international the competitive scene.
Many industrial districts that until little years ago were resolutions to riposizionare the own offer in the competitive
markets you, hour are in obvious difficulty. From they give you of the last years on the quotas in the world-wide commerce,
for Italy evidences one bending; and the phenomenon has endured an acceleration in last the two years.
In effects the
advantages deriving from localization more and more stretch to lose weight themselves above all for via of use of new
technologies and the employment of Internet.
Moreover the extremely favorable role, played until today from the space
and geography comes to reorganize itself considerable. These changes seem to place in argument the sostenibilità of the
model that until today has contraddistinto the Italian economic development: that one of the industrial districts bases
on one territorial and local connotation strongly to you. Probably a not secondary part of the uneasiness depends on a
not fluid relationship between the enterprises of the districts and
ITC 8 .
Pack-saddles to think that the medium incidence
of computer science expenses on the turnover of the companies is equal to 1,55%.
Moreover 61.4% of the enterprises are declared not satisfied of the own information.
Very various what happens in the other countries industrializes to you European, which try to take
advantage of to the maximum the services innovated you of communication with the objective to support their Core business.
According to the relationship Fair 9 , these societies
belong mainly to three groups:
- small and averages enterprises of the fields high-tech and average, guide to you from the attraction that settles down
between theirs business via Internet and the developments of new markets;
- cyberimprese that take advantage of the opportunities
offered from the electronic commerce in the fields of the services;
- small and averages enterprises integrated to the inside
of the supply chain of the great companies pushed to the innovation from the pressure of their main customers.
The industrial districts of our country must make broken off towards the electronic commerce, above all in its shapes B2B,
creating the so-called the "virtual districts".
The idea is to use Internet and the modern technologies in order to concur with
the PMI better supplying than raw materials and sharing of resources.
In "the traditional" concept of cluster,
the instruction and the technology often have had a marginal role. Hour the things are changed and are just these the elements
on which heading in order to find again new cues for I throw again of the district competitiveness.
It demonstrates the fact that the new ones "cluster" are emerging in the peripheral areas where these factors are
abundant 10 .
To emphasize but that although the changes to which is subordinate the cluster, this always remains and however a
"business community", the true change and just regards the market which is evolvendo from physical market to virtual market.
The importance of the passage from physicist to virtual seems to have been picked from the Unitec which is proposing with
succeeding its last product: the Virtual Warehouse.
Already some entrepreneurial truths, as as an example those pertaining
to the district of the marble of Massa-Carrara have experimented with optimal turn out to you this model.
With it the concept
of cluster, comes resumed, widened and stravolto at the same time.
Watching to the past, the evolution in the techniques of management of the production has been substantially oriented to reduce such costs.
That has had above all through one the greater integration between the subject presents in row 11 .
Well hour this integration comes paradoxicalally extended the "contenders".
Of other part to the districts it is demanded (if it does not set up) a more and more extreme shape of integration for being able to conserve the own margins of competitiveness in the comparisons of the enterprises of greater dimensions.
It is necessary that is that single the enterprises put into effect one effective sharing of resources. In past attempted of the sort they have produced to you insufficient turns out to you in how much the enterprises have had fear to lose that managerial autonomy and operating that they always give it has contraddistinto the versatilità of the PMI. This has been had above all when the sharing regarded supplyings of strategic products, through which such enterprises are in a position to offering to the own customers, that added value that succeeds in contraddistinguere the company from direct competition 12 .
To the day today such impediments are not more concurred. It is because like already said it is a lusso that the PMI cannot be more granted. It is because the new technologies of information and communication offer the possibility of sharing of the information, of goods and services, also conserving one own single identity.
The proposal of Unitec is that one to make to work the entire district like if it were an only "composed entity" from the various
enterprises participants, whose management of determined common activities but, comes entrusted to a specialistic and neutral
operator regarding all the companies of the district.
These will have the task to centrally assure and to guarantee the transparency for all the participants to the plan supplying,
to the activities of management shared. Therefore making that one pursued from every single enterprise it will not be more an
egoistic economic advantage, but an advantage of paretiano type.
Moreover the Unitec supports that such solution can be applied with not advanced equal advantages if to other truths that introduce
analogous aspects to those of the districts.
In fact in the understood one happened them reference to the application of such model to a sanitary district will be made to you.
- Note 8: Information Communication Technologies.
- Note 9: The Fair relationship is a relationship on the IT that every year a consortium of investigators stila for the European Union.
- Note 10: For example, in the South of Italy the area of Naples in the field of Internet business.
- Note 11: Enough to think next to the JIT.
- Note 12: Fabio Ulgiati 2001, Evolution of the relationships Business to Business between small and averages enterprises, University la Sapienza, Roma.