The model of the chain of the value disaggrega the enterprise in its main activities, in order to
comprise if and in which measure they concur to determine of the competitive advantages you.
The term "chain" that is makes
reference to a series of activity between they tied from sequenziali interdependences (from relationships of input-output, like
rings of one chain), but technologically distinguished.
The term "value" makes instead reference to the created value favor
of the customers, than in its turn it determines the competitive position of the enterprise. The chain of the value visualizes
the value total created from the enterprise distinguishing some two elements:
- the activities generatrices of the value;
- the profit margin.
The profit margin is given from the difference between
the value total and the all in cost in order to carry out the activities value generatrices.
The created value drift from the ability to the product (or service) to activate an ulterior process of creation of the value
to the level of the chain of the value of the purchaser well: it is ightening it from tasks that these do not mean to carry
out directly, for being able itself instead to concentrate on the activities where it possesses a comparative advantage;
she is "mobilitando" the customer, that is helping it to make things that it could before not have made or to make them better.
The value creation implies therefore one movement of attention from the product to the customer: the enterprise
considers if same a support system, that is an entity that operates in how much able one to help the customers to create value
and succeeding for if same and the own customers.
From the point of view of the customer, how much as soon as said it means
that they are offered and the enterprises not to compete on the market, because they are offered and the enterprises not to enter
in its process of creation of the value.
The activities generatrices of the value can
be subdivided 13 in primary activities and activities of
They are primary activities in a manifacturing enterprise (production of assets):
- supplying and management warehouses of input 14 ;
it comprises - beyond to the activities of refueling of input (matters, parts, members) - the management and the control
of the warehouses and the programming of the transports; - production;
it comprises the workings in workshop, the processes
of assemblage, the maintenance of the machinery, the management of the systems and inner the logistic
activities of 15 ;
- physical distribution 16 ;
it comprises the magazzinaggio of the finished products, the management of the delivery carriers, the elaboration of the orders,
the programming of shipments; - marketing and sales;
it comprises the management of the sale force, the control of the
distributive channels, the management of marketing mix; - services accessories to the customers;
draft of activity of supply
of services apt to improve or to maintain the value of the product: installations, repairs, training, supply of reciprocations
and accessories.
Those activities are support activity that do not contribute directly to the creation of the value, but
that they are however necessary to the total operation of the enterprise and to the effective development of the primary
- infrastructural activities;
which comprise multiple activities the director general's office, the planning and control,
the administration, the finance, public relation, and all the services generate them. - R&S - research and development;
the activities of development of the tecnologicoaziendale patrimony comprise all. - management of the human resources;
comprises activity like the recruitment and the selection of the staff, the training and the formation, the definition of the
retributive political and the programs of career and development, the industrial relations.
If an enterprise enjoys a
durably advanced profit to that one of the contenders that it means that the costs that it supports for the complex of the
managed activities of value affect the revenues in structurally inferior measure to how much happen for the competition.
That can be taken place for two various reasons:
- smaller costs to parity of prices: that is cost advantage;
- smaller prices to parity of costs: that is differentiation
The configuration of the chain of the value becomes therefore the model of reference for the government of the
same, useful ASA is in order to define the participations to bring to the order in being of the ASA that for monitorare
differentiates them competitive regarding the contenders. Some principles useful are identified to orient the search of one
configuration of the chain of the coherent value with the ambita position of competitive advantage.
It is opportune to analyze every activity under two profiles:
- under the profile of the strategic importance: draft to take an examination the importance that every activity introduces
regarding the pursued competitive advantage so as to to distinguish between those mainly critical and those that carry out
an only accessory role.
- Under the profile of the inner competence: draft to identify the level of ability, is puts into
effect them that it upgrades them, with which an enterprise is in a position to managing every activity.
To such care, some elements particularly important to take in consideration are: the acquired experience, technological and
competitive dynamics. Moreover it must hold account that every activity is interested from a various degree of turbulence
in relation to dynamics of the competitive forces that are involved it: technological developments, normative evolutions,
competitive motion. How much more elevated it is the accumulated experience from the enterprise and at least it is
put in argument from technological dynamics and competitive, the much most solid one can be considered the competence of the
enterprise in one determined activity and much more it will have the opportunity or the interest to garrison it directly.
The combined consideration of the two profiles examine you, strategic importance and inner competence, concurs therefore to
identify some principles useful to orient the configuration of the chain of the value. The principles that orient the chain
of the value are following:
- The important activities from the strategic point of view and for which the enterprise has one elevated inner competence
are destined to represent the fundamental nucleus of the chain of the value of the enterprise in one determined ASA.
- The activities in which the enterprise have one elevated inner competence, but that they do not represent importance from
the strategic point of view, they constitute instead the only appropriate case in order to try the described roads.
More in particular two are the fundamental addresses of which they can form object: the exploitation and the transformation
in ASA;
- The important activities from the competitive point of view and for which the company introduces one weak person
inner competence constitute a delicate problem much: their criticità would push the enterprise to take control directly of,
to the aim to have of a sufficiently sure garrison; of other part the insufficient affinity that they introduce with know
how and the distintive competences of the enterprise renders probable highly that the efforts in order to take control of end for
being an investment without return. In such situation, two are the distances masters in order to exit from the impasse:
the acquisition and the pertnership. In the impossibility to develop it directly, the enterprise can acquire the competence
that needs to them from thirds party that the posseggono. An alternative to the acquisition of the competences consists in
establishing stable relationships of pertnership, that is structural agreements of collaboration and along period, with
searched partners equips you of the competence. Such alliances can assume various shapes, from the assumption of a
participation of minority to the constitution of joint-lucks, to the make of contracts trade them pluriennali.
- For the activities, than beyond not having strategic importance, the opportunity not to decide of inner structures
to dedicated they is introduced also less analogous to the competences of the enterprise is obvious, but to leave them to enterprises third. Regarding the alternative between make or buy, they represent the opposite
case to the activities dealt in point 1: for those the consequent choice is the management diretta(make); for these the
purchase from the esterno(buy). Two therefore are the main addresses of government of such activities: disinvestment and
political of purchase. The turbulence imposes to the enterprise to focus its energies on the more important activities,
avoiding than to disperse them in too many directions.
The chain of the value can be constructed also with reference
to not manifacturing enterprises (like the enterprises of services), with some opportune adjustment in the categories
over introduced. It is worth the following fundamental principle: the activities would have isolated and to be separated
that have logical various economic, that they possess a high impact, also upgrade them, on the differentiation, or that
they represent one meaningful portion of increasing cost and.
- Note 13: Model of Porter.
- Note 14: That one that Porter defines "logistics in entrance".
- Note 15: That one that Porter defines "management of the supplyes and the transports.
- Note 16: That one that Porter defines "logistics in escape".