An always greater number of enterprises is today muovendo towards the adoption of the instrument
of the outsourcing.
The positive consequences in along and in the short period today recognized and find to you are
rather important.
In the first place, the resources of the enterprise can be concentrated in those activities that
represent the business main of the enterprise, avoiding of having to invest in secondary activities that oltretutto, in
order to catch up levels of absolute competitiveness, would need of huge investments, however not justifiable from it turns
out adapts to you proportionally to you.
Moreover the flexible of costs would be obtained that normally are fixed:
leaving to manage the supplies to a provider that one will be able to be only acquired of which need is had and in the moment
in which if of it it has truly need.
In particular tasks of how much the immobilized understood one them could be reduced,
to times also for long periods of time, in raw materials and semifinished ones if one political of outsourcing were adopted
of the supplies.
Esternalizzando the secondary activities to Core business, the inner, operating and managerial structures,
become more snelle; draft not to only reduce the costs (as an example of the administration and the processes of control),
but also to render the more ready and flexible structure to changing of the market requirements.
Secondary positive
consequences not sure, fall back then on the staff who comes some valued: more not engaged in jobs than ruotine, the
professionality can be concentrated mainly on the focali aspects of its activity, improving reasonably; the enterprise can
approach technologies otherwise precluse, obtaining precious information; the provider it can participate to the definition
of the needs and the requirements of the enterprise: thanks to the modularity of the outsourcing, and, to second of contracts
stipulate to you, are possible to extend the business areas of participation, to change the type of offered service, or parallel
reduce, to changing of the requirements of the enterprise.
The quality of the services offers and the supplied products stretches to improve because the provider it stretches to insert
in the " basket " of the suppliers to which it addresses, only those enterprises that assure qualitative
standards elevate you to you: also for this it is important to make reference to a vendor of consolidated experience and
To demonstration of said how much, it comes brought back a surveying carried out from the Outsourcing Europe
on a champion of enterprises of all the world that are entrusted to the outsourcing. It is found, between the other, than:
So that outsourcing the developments as technical of business management it is necessary that they are satisfied, between the
other, two conditions: before it has objective character and it consists in the presence on the market of operating
sufficiently professional and specializes to you, that they guarantee a efficient accomplishment of the function to esternalizzare; the second one has instead more subjective nature and regards the overcoming from part of the management social of several psychological impediments, in particular the fear of a " professional automatic reorganization".
Of these two aim the greater obstacle to the implementation of the outsourcing are represented from the resistances of every kind that are met to all the levels of the business hierarchical structure beyond that trade-union.
To level of top management by now the knowledge of the fact has been only diffused that an agile enterprise and snella, which has less possible than fixed structure and purchases to the outside the services "generate them" are the model winning in the markets put into effect them and that delegating all the functions members of the women's army auxiliary corps to suppliers only specialize to you become possible to concentrate itself on the activities for which possesses a effective competence and a competitive advantage.
To testimony of this circumstance a recent search of the Benchmarking can be brought back Club of Business International , second which in 93% of the cases is the top management to define the political of outsourcing also when this type of decision not cares strategic aspects.
A lot of I shave happens that she is a leader of function to assume such responsibility: resorting to the outsourcing in fact, these would run the risk to find themselves with minor being able to the inside of the company.
Viceversa the top manager inclines
more than in passed for the resource to the outsourcing, in how much they think that that can carry to one cost reduction
(in particular of those fixed) and to one greater flexibilities of the enterprise.
The situation of "ungluing", often found
between top manager and the manager of function or department, ago yes that the suppliers of services today stretch to address
more and more to first rather than to the second ones.
The practical experience extension moreover as often the function
responsibles stretch to hinder the correct development of the relationship customer-provider, species in the phase experiences
them tending to affinare the collaboration between provider and inner staff of the company-customer, which it must necessarily
collaborate to the accomplishment of the function to delegate.
In truth the currently offered solutions from the market do
not involve the total necessarily loss of the control: in the first place because in the shapes so to speak "base" of
outsourcing, the control on the delegated activities can remain to the customer of the vendor; in the second place because
to terziarizzare an activity it at all does not mean to acquire a service or a product to scato it sluice: there are, in
fact, very precise agreements that tie the enterprises and the outsourcer; finally because the obtainable advantages are
wide rewarding. Once that the idea of esternalizzare the greater part of the business functions has been accepted, the
difficulty becomes, like always, the execution.
In the companies always strong resistances in the moment are found in which
the total dimension of the own activities must be diminished; they are restie to deprive itself of the direct management of
some services, when they cannot contextually acquire of the management of others.
The spread of the outsourcing comes therefore
hindered from the worry common to many responsible to lose the control of a part of the business system. It does not have in fact to forget that the outsourcing it not only regards exclusively activity not directly tied to the business mission, but is also destined to fail in the attainment of the own ones objects to you, where it comes adopted like solution finalized exclusively to the business cost reduction and therefore when its implementation is not directly aimed to one greater focalization of the enterprise towards just Core-business.
In other words and as they demonstrate the successes and the failures you achieve yourself in the various implementazioni of the outsourcing, it it is destined to produce only succeeded if very inserted in a business strategic plan, of which it constitutes fundamental part sure, but at the same time subordinated to the attainment of objects you of increase at least determine the proportions them or of increase of productivity in the own activities of the company.
The solution of the cited difficulties must consist, in the first place, in putting in motion a mechanism of almost simultaneous put (operation employee exclusively from the abilities to the top management inner) and, in the second place, in the ability to introduce the outsourcing in way it graduates them, therefore not to increase the difficulties that unavoidablly involves the impact of this decision to the inside of the company (this type of operation depends instead on the flexibility and professionality of the provider).
In order to conclude it goes sure said that Italy is introduced like the " cenerentola " of the terziarizzazione, if confronted with the rest of the main European countries. The reasons of that reside in the great importance that have the mean small manifacturing enterprises to the inside of the Italian market and in the strong skepticism of their entrepreneurs towards one it upgrades them loss of control of the own activity.
Although all these difficulties, for the next years the movement towards a more important role of the outsourcing are irreversible: the great enterprises will try to put off center all the activities that can be produced to the outside in more competitive way, concentrating itself instead on those in which there are very obvious and not riproducibili distintive competences elsewhere.
It is obvious that in the course of this process the great enterprise " will grow slim ", in the sense that will have little dependent in organic, while the tasks of the direction will more and more assume different functions of direction from those traditional ones; but at all it is not said that its total force, in terms of network that it " commands ", is destined to diminish.
Today the business of the enterprise it has new borders; outsourcing, terziarizzazione, specialization and internationalization are order words that must seriously be taken in consideration from all the companies, if the efficiency total of the productive system is wanted to be increased.
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