Also in the case of the outsourcing it is not possible to supply a definition univoca in how much,
in the time, many students have supplied to express one own vision of time in oriented time to put in prominence particular
However the general concept can be expressed in extremely synthetic shape, describing the outsourcing like that process
that door to the "acquisition from an external supplier of products or services currently turning out from the directed productive
activity and of inner management of the company".
In the Anglo-Saxon Countries and in particular in the United States the
outsourcing it has acquired reputation as a result of the economic crisis of years eighty: some giants of the automotive
industry, whose dimensions had become also for effect of the development of complementary areas Core-business abnormal, just
adopted like fundamental solution to the problem of the book keeping reorganization the outsourcing.
The principle was
simple: to make to make the others that that they make better than we, in such way to reduce the costs, to improve the
quality of the services or the intermediate products of which need is had, and to free therefore the necessary resources
for the development of that it constitutes the true activity of enterprise.
Currently such manageriale practice assumes
a fundamental importance in the picture of the great transformations that are being taken place in the organization of the
enterprises and their strategies above all with the advent of the New Economy.
Then it acquires more and more importance
knowing to concentrate the business efforts on the processes that demand distintive/differenzianti effectiveness and competences,
delegating to thirds party "the efficient" of the other processes and their continuous riallineamento to the changing
requirements of just business.
That concurs also to realign the own organization on configurations to breakeven much more
low, risking much less in the moments than crisis of just the field of market.
This objective goes pursued systematically
and with determination, in order to obtain the maximum variable of the fixed prime costs.
Such processes 24 in the moment in which exsternalyzer
like, must guarantee the ability continually increase of their efficiency, but also that one of a continuous adaptation to
the changing operating requirements of our processes of business (volumes, mix, type of performance).
The outsourcing it
transforms of fact a marginal activity, carried out in little efficient way in the within of an enterprise, in the main
activity (Core business) of an other.
Often to delegate to external suppliers the management of such activities
constitutes the only practicable way in order to catch up the obbiettivo and to concentrate itself on Core business.
The figures implied in the outsourcing are essentially three: beyond to the enterprise that esternalizza the own activity,
we find again the provider (or vendor or outsourcer) and the enterprises to which the provider address.
The figure centers them is other the provider, that is that enterprise that engages to supply the assets and the
services demands, in the times wishes you to the enterprise that has esternalizzato the activity.
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