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The Administrative Outsourcing and of Supplyings
The terziarizzazione has at first regarded the production, subsequently some services. Also in the area of supplyings, above all of the not productive materials, and in that administrative outsourcing it determines remarkable advantages
Vincenzo Marino
Administrative Outsourcing and of supplyings The introduction of the outsourcing Administrative is finalized just to the drastic reduction of the number of the inner procedures of administration and control. They are just the management of this last absorbing in great part revives and means that highly are characterized in order to carry out very other type of tasks, and above all the simplification of these managements that puts in sight the enormous one upgrades them of economic recovery and efficiency. In estimating the introduction of the outsourcing is always the fear to lose the control of the situation, but in the moment in which they come defined the roles, it it ambles you of competence and the responsibility of the two contractors is possible to have a visibility of the economic convenience, this last one puó not to prescind from a comparison with the all in costs sopporta you from the company in supplying, to its inside, the services of which the possibility is being estimated to manage in outsourcing. For this reason the Unitec has developed just to the concept dedicating particular attention to this aspect, proposing a modular application that concurs an immediate economic return to every step that comes carried out in direction of the outsourcing, through one series of proposals and possibility of its application on the base of an adaptable with the dimensions and the business necessities and above all easy introducibile model in already existing structures. The various ones modality of application and introduction will be object of one successive publication that will put in prominence the economic and structural advantages and the minimizzazione of the risks. The modular introduction of the outsourcing, therefore outsourcing partial or total with possibility working in team kinsmen, and the formation to the inside of the figure of the coordinator (outsourcer) allow to anytime consider the hypothesis of interruption of the one and service relationship new independent management of supplyings, rendering cosí less difficult the decision than it is made to support from an external partner. Outsourcing Administrative of Supplyings of the not productive materials junior clerk from Unitec is based on the experience matured with companies (is constructors who the operators systems) of various active European countries and in various industrial fields, and just extend also to the production materials, consolidating cosí the own corporate structure and diversifying know how, factors that represent one important operating guarantee and of affidabilitá in the time.
The UNITEC and......... computer science The attivitá of outsourcing carried out from the Unitec they are supported from the use of an informative system, developed and manutenuto in just with an inner team of programmatori, than integral you acclimatize operated standard to you concurring the communication data transmission with customers and suppliers. Moreover know how in within the management of the Information, acquired in the course of experiences matured with the prows customers, concurs with the Unitec to experience in own house always new computer science solutions and data transmissions to propose to the customer to the aim to improve the communication and to enormously velocizzare the access to the information, reducing the times of question and answer. The Unitec highly has characterized staff and at least bilinguist, selected also between young people that come accommodates to you in order to carry out Stage in the within of collaborations between universitá of various nations, often engaged also in the coordination of collaborations between final customers and supplying of systems for the search I give technical solutions. The within of the collaboration with Unitec puó to be defined with large flessibilitá spacing from the single emissione/trascrizione of the orders until the administration of all the procedures of the supplying process that goes from the phase of birth of the necessitá until the management of the warehouse and to the supply of computer science solutions for the office automation.
And hour.............. We concentrate ourselves on Core Business The introduction and application of the outsourcing have allowed the Management definitively to resolve the decisional paradoxes that we have cited to the beginning of this article and to obtain one real flessibilizzazione of the costs recovering also the precious resource "time", fundamental member in order to dedicate itself more and more effectively to the strategic and primary activities of the company. The spaces of "time" recover in all the areas to you of plant supported from the adoption of the outsourcing Administrative and of Supplyings positive spiral of inner synergies has immediately increased the efficiency degree inner allowing one better visibility of the inner resources beginning one. The knowledge of the importance of this result has made to comprise that if all the collaborators are he concentrates on Core business "the company to you can perform miracles".