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The Administrative Outsourcing and of Supplyings
The terziarizzazione has at first regarded the production, subsequently some services. Also in the area of supplyings, above all of the not productive materials, and in that administrative outsourcing it determines remarkable advantages
Vincenzo Marino
The Outsourcing and... the Cash Caws, one new rich resource The transfer to an external partner of the management of supplyings, above all of not productive materials, on one side has the scope of being able mainly to concentrate the best resources on the activities strategic and from the other to obtain of the economic benefits from the flessibilizzazione of the operating costs deriving from an agreement of outsourcing (characterizing aspect this model of collaboration). In the transfer of the management the decentralization of the greater part of the ruotine jobs happens also, that contributes to increase the motivation of the resources that come some freed that of equal step they develop one greater professionality to benefit of the increase of the business competitiveness in just the market, concurring, between the other, to profit intensely piú of the remunerative areas of market piú (cash caw). The procedures and........ the communications The supplying process is constituted from a number of activity (or procedures) sequenziali that from birth go of the necessity and emission of the demand for supplying to the payment of the acquired goods. The number of the procedures is increased in the time as an example, in within exchanges again for systems, because of growing of the number of necessary orders and that to continuation of the aliquot origin of the members it assembles to you in the machinery and of the tendency to the reduction of the immobilized value in warehouse. The development of every procedure that is the part of supplying process, generates a volume of documentation and information that engage the attache's in training them and in the management of the communications (forward and feedbacks), embezzling to if same usable precious time instead for the development of their peculiar activities as an example purchase systems and raw materials, management comes to an agreement, maintenance and controlling. Beyond all
goes observed that the number of necessary the inner procedures to the effettuazione of supplying grows in esponenziale way with the increase of the dimensions of the been involved inner structures in the process. At the same time it increases the risk of procedural errors and the informative chaos and this it dramatically reduces the degree of efficiency of the agencies you premail. Ció renders very complex, articulated and most expensive the supervision and the management. Such costs, more and more often, exceed a lot the value of the object to provision.
Procedural interferences....... also from the outside The necessary engagement for the single administration of all the procedures of the supplying process is however quantifiable until the procedures they are linear, that is until when in the flow of the process not sopravvengono interferences, phenomenon instead much frequent one and underrated in the esteem of the operating costs and that generate a series of support activities that do not pursue the business aim directly but administrative necessity becomes one. The procedural interferences come generated from various sources, are inner that external to the plant. The interference can imply a stop to the sequence of the activities of the process, causing in the cases gets worse of having to riiniziare the procedures to leave from the agency petitioner, ció enormously means the same repetition of
activity administrative and the production of ulterior documentation, increasing the costs of all
the offices for which the supplying procedure journeys. Between the other they increase in immisurabile way the communication costs, of recording of documents (you see spaces occupied) and of the relative management and involve enormous delays in the temporal planning of participation. We will deal this more in detail important argument in future banns.