3.1 Short history.
Unitec High Tech Industrieprodukte Vertriebs GmbH (Gesellschaft mit beschrankter Haftung)
is an enterprise to limited liability with center to Augsburg (Germany), than work in the field of the commerce of
industrial members.
The company is been born to the end of years ' 80 on initiative of an Italian entrepreneur,
Marino Vincenzo, than later on to important working experiences in the within of the field of the great systems of
automation for the construction of motors vehicle to world-wide level, is decided to found Unitec in order to directly
offer to qualified attendance in Germany to companies of the field metal worker and mechanic, electronic and of the
Mr. Marino thought in fact that the companies that they began to tighten in those new years
relations trade them with enterprises situated in markets geographically distant could have met of the problems of
operating and managerial character in the logistics and supplyings.
They would have run the risk that is to fragment
too much the supplies and not to succeed therefore to coordinate supplyings also under a temporal point of view.
UNITEC, was placed on behalf therefore like risen of office a purchase-foreign country of such enterprises, that they
turned out in fact to be devoid of specific acquaintances of the new market in which was gone to operate.
Beyond that of language type, one became in fact indispensable to arrange of all a series of managerial resources
useful to implement an integration of the processes operated to you, logistic and trained (tasks to you to the several
norms necessary customs lawyers and for the customs of the products is already only acquired to you).
realized therefore new services, to high added value, that they turned out of extreme importance for such companies
and decreed the happened one of such company in the field of the services.
It was necessary consequently see again
and to upgrade the organizational structure, in order to answer exactly to the new and various sollicitations to which was
subordinate; it is in this phase that came particular mail attentiont the efficiency of the business processes.
As a result of that, Unitec acquire a greater competitiveness and began
to define with more precision the supply services. From the experiences matured in fact, turned out obvious like, in
a generalized manner, the business procedures contained enormous wastes hidden, in particolar way to care of the management
of the supplies and to the relative activity of office, which, after all, never do not succeed to enter in regimen.
For this the supply integrated like method came proposed to the enterprises customers in order to catch up remarkable
logistic advantages, managerial acts to you and.
An ulterior jump of quality came completed to half of the years ' 90
thanks to the complete informatizzation of the workflow business: today Unitec in fact has a system software ERP
realized entire on the requirements of the enterprise, through which it succeeds to manage in real time the entire
process of supplying, concurring to obtain it continues savings on the management of the information, not bounder to
the paper material.
In the second half of years ' 90, Unitec abandoned linear the organizational outline of
hierarchical type, not adapted to support the rhythms of increase of the transactions, for one structure to matrix,
characterized from the division of the staff in job team. In this way fù possible to improve the degree of efficiency
with which the activities come capacities end, increasing at the same time the motivation of the staff.
Hour, all that allows the enterprise to carry out the own activity in innovative way, through processes paperless and
to operate in it ambles you to the vanguard of the market which it is the e-procurement.
The quality of the Unitec
procedures today is recognized, from it certifys ISO 9000 and ISO to you 9001.
Unitec is moreover active member of
the DIN (Deutsche Institut Normung), organism that operates to world-wide level for the definition of the emergency
norms generates them in relation to the construction and maintenance of the production systems and to the inside of
which UNITEC exercises a decisional power, through the formulation of just the ballot.
This guarantees therefore
the quality of the products that Unitec supplies the own customers.
The choice to localize the company just in
such geographic area has not been accidental.
To the beginning of years ' 80, in fact a high concentration of
companies in the heart of the Germany was being taken place, operating mainly in the automotive field (Mercedes,
BMW, Porsche, Audios, Volkswagen, Grob, KuKa, MAN, Siemens..), which specialized in the production of members and
products to high technological content, relatively to which the European enterprises particularly were interested in
terms of supply.
Today it is an international company that it represents, probably, the first example of outsourcer that, for tipologia
and extension of the services, it applies the principles completely more advances you of the terziarizzazione of the supply
processes, let alone of the those managerial ones of the warehouse and the logistics.
In particular Unitec has been
specialized in the services of supply integrated of the non-production goods, like as an example pieces of reciprocation
for the systems of production of immense tipology of industries, from that automotive one, to that one of the press, from
that one of the household-electric ones to that chemistry.
For such enterprises, Unitec a point of reference is introduced
as to which making confidence for the development of relationships it trades them with foreign enterprises.
Unitec in fact has constituted one driven in net of such services logistic and trained to you innovated to concur with said
enterprises to you to delegate, all or in part, the activities necessary to organize all the logistic and administrative
flow of the sub-supply relationships.
Such activities in fact, not being of type Core, would have generated of the
advanced costs of inner coordination regarding those of market, delegating instead to Unitec the same activities, the
enterprises customers participated actively to a driven in net of exchanges trade them with foreign Countries to contained
Between the more important customers Audios can be cited, Bmw, Porsche, Ford, Piaggio and Fiat (and the enterprises
connected like the Iveco and Comau) for the automotive industry, Man Roland, Mondadori for the industry of blot some from
press, Saint Pellegrino, Zanussi, Siemens, Whirpool for the industry of the household-electric ones, Michelin, ENICHEM,
Goodyear, Procter &amP; Gamble for that chemistry.
Currently, the markets of UNITEC supplying, are not only expanded in European within,
thanks also open of the Only Market that has favorite is the free circulation of the goodses
that a reduction of risks connected to the exchange rates with the introduction of the Euro, but also in international
within, where persist because some objective difficulties for the enterprises pertaining to the various Countries,
above all because of the various spoken languages.
As we have seen, the new technologies software represent the
modern frontiers to explore in order to increase the competitive ability; just for being able to study and to offer
just to an instrument business Internet-based software for e-procurement and workflow (the software managerial) it
personalizes to you on the requirements of the customers, is been born from some year Unitec Services & Web, whose
center currently is situated to Sabaudia, in the Lazio.
Unitec S&W is operatingly and managerial independent regarding
Unitec GmbH, however the relationship of interexchange and interconnection remains tightest.
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