3.4 The outsourcing "administrative"
Leaving from the presupposed one that the number of the procedures of a supplying process increases
in way proportion they number of orders that become necessary, Unitec propose themselves like outsourcer external,
in a position to rationalizing and managing the processes legacies to the supplies, through the outsourcing administrative,
that she corresponds to the extended type of outsourcing more.
The introduction of the instrument of the outsourcing administrative, is aimed specifically to reduce also the inner procedures
of administration and control that these last ones, in fact, "waste" numerous and precious resources and means that could be
employed in others ambles to you more pays and the recovery of efficiency of these business areas passes through
their simplification.
Unitec, for the outsourcing administrative, but also for the outsourcing procedural, has developed
one its easy introduced modular application in the existing corporate structures, shaped on the business requirements,
that the attainment concurs of immediately turns out to you found, and for every module applied.
The modules predisposed
from Unitec are three, and conceived for being it applies to you in sequence order.
With the application of the first
module the management of the simple escapes of the demands for supplying is moved to Unitec without that the property of the
goodses comes transferred; with according to module, to the service of escape of the demands for supplying, relative one to
the management of the logistics and the administrative activities joins that, that it presupposes the transfer of the property
of the goodses; the third application module, extends the outsourcing to the management of the warehouse and the data bank you
of articles.
The activities transferable from are endured and it turns out to you are endured quantifiable.
Through the complete performance of the outsourcing administrative the inner activities of the administration and the control are reduced radically: the customer must only relazionarsi with Unitec communicating the amount and the type
of goods wished with to the term of delivery and receiving the goods demanded with an only invoice and an only bubble
of accompayment through an only periodic delivery (every day, weekly magazine, salary to second of the requirements),
which will be able to obtain from provider the Unitec competitive unit prices much, because, this last one, coordinating
with of the orders of all its customers towards the suppliers, will obtain selling prices many bottoms.
3.5 The integrated supply.
Unitec applies the foundations of the outsourcing administrative through the system of the
"integrated supply".
Online general draft of a system that allows of join the many small demanded of supply
of the enterprise customer towards Unitec which takes care of all the procedures and all the operations necessary in order
to make to reach the goodses wished at the wished moment and with an only document, to the customer.
From a part, therefore, the costs of every supply from n are reduced to 1e from the other allow Unitec to gain
just the margin to "cost zero" for the customer.
In fact the obtained savings are clearly greater of the markups
apply on the goods (see figure to you 3,2). it is obvious that greater it is the number of the processes that come
managed with the integrated supply, greater will be the benefits deriving from the efficiency recovery.
With such system, Unitec moreover allows to simplify the business processes insides, eliminate the inner and external
procedural interferences, to transform the fixed costs in variable proportion them to the requirements of the moment.
The integrated supply of Unitec, is been born in order to manage in particolar way supplyings considers you not strategic
for the enterprise, - assets of wrap B and C, low cost not strategic -, in how much their management from part of a
provider introduces greater margins of saving.
Draft in kind of assets whose price is relatively low, but whose total cost of purchase particularly
turns out elevated.
This because the enterprise, for being able to acquire such assets, predisposes and assets
operating structures and of management optimized and adapted instead for the purchase of goodses of strategic type
for just Core business.
In short, therefore, the purchase of goodses of not strategic type, turns out expensive
not a lot for the price, but above all because they come consumed business resources in purchase activity for which
the enterprise is not specialized; that means that it is come to create a clean disproportion between the value of
the acquired good, and the cost of the put into effect procedures in order to obtain it.
Moreover above all the
great accustomed companies to carry ahead economies of scale, for such purchases cannot make it since draft of
hundred of assets of various type.
Many inner companies think to resolve this inefficiency ahead carrying one
political of insourcing trying that is to take part exclusively on inner the organizational structure, but the number
of invoices in entrance from the suppliers cannot be rationalizes to you neither from the administration, neither from
who emits the purchase orders, neither no other business agency.
Addressing to outsourcer that it proposes solutions
aimed for the supply procedures is only possible "to compattare" all the activities, allowing to reduce hundred of invoices
to one, and regulate the times of delivery.
As the administration can be noticed
in fact from figure 3.3 turns out to be overloaded of job, since it must take care of all the purchases of which it
needs the company. With the integrated supply, as it can be noticed instead from the successive figure, 3.4
effective simplification of the procedures of the administration.
For the enterprise customer but they do not change
the procedures of demand for supplies. Simply rather than to address to hundred of suppliers, it makes reference to only
interlocutor: Unitec.
The demands for not strategic assets come sended to Unitec, than it elaborates, trying to them
of the supplier to the inside of just the give-base.
If the demanded good turns out to be urgent, the material comes
sent endured with a single shipment, if instead draft of material ordered with wide advance payment the Unitec, tries
to offer also an integrated service of delivery.
An other great advantage is represented from the possibility to execute a single payment, whose terms will come agree to you single with Unitec independently from the supply conditions set up from the single suppliers, since to such terms she is subordinate to Unitec and not the final customer.
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