2.8 Management of the orders.
D-34. Preparation of the orders.
The preparation of the orders always happens through inner
the computer science system and after to have been signed from the director of the such purchases documents they come it
generally sendes you to the supplier with the fax.
This phase needs of 05h 27' 15" weeklies magazine moreover such documents will have then also to be archives.
D-38. Prompt to the suppliers for order confirmation.
For being able to proceed with emergency and above all for having the
certainty that the times of delivery will come it respects to you from the suppliers, is needed of the order confirmation
that usually is late to arrive.
D-40. Reception order confirmations.
The reception and the recording in system of
the confirmations that the orders have been accepted, need nearly an hour weekly.
The greater part of the suppliers
sendes these documents via regular mail, for which it can happen quite subsequently that they arrive little before
the arrival of the goods or.
The importance of the order confirmations is in the possibility to verify that they
give you relative you to the tidy goods are corrected, however, arrives you to this point of the supply process,
very rarely is errors or incomprehension of risen, for which the importance of the document it remains limited to the
single value of legal test.
The means mail are used wide them from the suppliers for the shipment of the order
confirmations, although it is not means express in order to make circular the information.
D-43. Recording of the order confirmations.
Once recorded from the unit trades them in system, the order confirmations
come given back to the unit telephone exchange-secretariat that is taken care of their recording.
The time necessary weekly
magazine is of 31' 30 "to the week.
2.8.1 Found interferences in the management of the orders: 4ª phase.
Since understood a lot often that the times promises in the confirmation of order then at the moment of the
delivery do not come it respects to you, it is necessary to put in action precautionary measures in order to hold under control
the deliveries and to prevent therefore useless and inefficient delays.
Once to the day it comes received in fact from the
unit trades them a containing list the name ones you of the suppliers who are in delivery delay and they give you of the games
of reference goodses.
Such list comes controlled through the crossing of gives to you in possession of the logistic unit,
if necessary, dawned and given back to the unit they trades.
To the aim to maintain the give-base modernized, every day
they come carried out 4 controls on the state of delivery of the suppliers, so as to be able to prevent eventual delays
or errors.
These operations demand a total of 01h 24' 25 "weekly magazine.
Between the interferences that the logistic
unit is found to face, the prompt facts to the suppliers for deliveries that happen in delay, demand always much time.
These come made directly from the logistic unit are in order not to increase the size of job of the unit trade them, are
because this agency possesses however the competences and give to you for being able to operate.
For first the prompt
one, usually, the used means more are the fax.
To leave from according to prompt, however, it is preferred to use the
telephone, in how much it allows to speak directly with the interested person and to obtain therefore you find more expresses.
It could be thought that such activity is carried out of shaves but unfortunately are not, medium in fact 2 deliveries on 7 are
in delay 14 and of these, the half demands ulterior speeds up and explanations until to
a third degree of prompt.
The motivations of the delays that have been revealed more frequent have been:
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