2.5 Emissions demanded of supplying.
A-1. Verification supplying necessity.
The necessity of supplying of the productive units,
turns out from gives you of the system through which the enterprise is managed: in it in fact they are brought back is
the optimal levels of supply that those effectively available ones is of the raw materials and the semifinished ones
for the production, is of the goodses of type B and C (low cost not strategic 19 .
Daily in fact they come carries out five verifications to you from the assigned's to the logistic unit of the present
levels of goods in warehouse.
A-2 and 3. Access to the system, compilation and shipment of the communication
approximately the necessity to the responsible of the agency.
After to have carried out one of the five every
day controls, if the warehouseman had to state that the amount of a material has caught up by now nearly the emergency
supply, after to have verified also the amount that is brought back in system, it will send one communication to the
competence agency.
The detailed demand will have obviously to be a lot, since the person of the office purchases that
for last the demand will receive, not being a technician, will not have the competences for being able alone to elaborate
such document in correct and precise way.
Therefore beyond to the amount, the warehouseman will have to indicate technical
characteristics, indicating also all the codes in its possession.
To 4. Verification and demanded approval,
I forward to the office acquires.
Above all if draft of a large enterprise of dimensions, the bureaucratic procedure allonge,
like in the case from we considered.
As the warehouseman can itself be observed from the table in fact directly does
not send its demand to the office acquires, but the demands come made join in the specialistic agency for that material.
Will be therefore one for the material electrical workers for those mechanics and therefore to second
of the nature of the good, the warehouseman will send its demand to a various agency.
Such agency therefore after to have controlled such demand it sendes it to the office acquires, than in its turn it will
turn the competent supplier.
A-5. Reception and appraisal of the demands.
All the demands for supplying come therefore
sended to the assigned of the unit trade them.
It could seem that such persons carry out a pure executory secondary job,
that is to send simply the already ready demands to the suppliers.
Such unit has instead one function key: the assigned
have in fact the task to connect and to manage in the time the relationships that is trades them in the productive row to
mount with the suppliers and to they with the customers goes.
In short she can be defined like the center of promotion
and management of the transactions, let alone the interface of the enterprise in the relations that are established with
external subjects.
Just for the reasons as soon as cited, the unit trades them she always finds to the center of the
exchanges of information with all the other units.
After to have received such demands, the assigned control they
give to you in brought back they and verify if there is an adapted cover of budget.
Like whichever company, also the
company champion needs of an immense range of material, comes searches articles to you in the archives ERP.
During this control in system the operator will understand if draft of material already previously acquired or if is before
the time that such necessity verification:
A-8. Formalize of the demand for offer.
After to have therefore searched the supplier and the article in system, the demand comes printed publication and signed
from the persons of competence for that material after which the demand for estimate comes sended to all the suitable
suppliers for that type of supply.
In order to carry out the activities the assigned's have need at least 08h 20' 40 "to the week in order to elaborate and to
send, in average, 50 demands for estimate to week 20 .
To 9. Prompt of the logistic unit to the office he acquires.
In the case in which the supplyes in warehouse they continue to come down and the office he
acquires has still not made to know null with respect to the agency preplace, the assigned to the warehouse will emit a
communication of prompt in the comparisons of the trade commission them.
First the prompt one will come made via mail,
subsequently via fax and if some day has not been still obtained an answer will be sped up by telephone.
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