1.11 Suppliers Spot: Law of Pareto.
Every supplying company more possesses a park or little wide one, than in the previous paragraph they
have been subdivided in "normal" suppliers, suppliers "integrated" and suppliers "partner".
If we had of forehead a list
of suppliers with which a company it collaborates we could observe a prevalence of suppliers calls "normal" who give hour to
you in then we call suppliers SPOT: that is those suppliers to which the company one sporadically addresses for assets of
reasonable value and not closely legacies to Core business.
In this understood it the attention is placed on the numerical relationship that integrated alloy supplying SPOT and suppliers -
partner and of as the integrated supply can become part in such context.
When one is in presence of many elements, of which
the necessity is had to estimate of the importance and to classify them based on their weight, the instrument to use is the
diagram entitled to the economist Vilfredo Pareto, than in 1897 it demonstrated as in an Italian region only little persons
possessed great part of the wealth of all the territory.
For analogy the same Pareto and successes philosophers and
economists, declared that in any system (political, economic, social.) the important elements to you to the ends of the
behavior of the system are effectively little and that all the others make number.
The principle is the same one of
so-called "formulated law 80/20" from J.Juran in 1950, in which it indicated with 80 the "many" and 20 the "little" of the
previous law of Pareto.
The diagram of Pareto is the combination of a bar chart and of
a curve that allows to estimate to eye blow which is the important elements and of how much they record.
When the curve
flatten the elements are themselves little important, when increases we find ourselves of forehead to important elements.
In economic field various examples are possible:
"20% of the suppliers, power of attorney to the enterprise 80% of the value of
Consequently we will have that 80% of the suppliers supply simple a 20% ".
In the brought back diagram over,
we can previously observe explained how much in the "law of Pareto", in which it is explained as 20% of the total supplying
very supply 80% of the total of how much come acquired.
In order to verify and to confirm such theory it usually comes
carried out an analysis intercrossed between the Nr. of suppliers and the turnover and an other between the material code
and the turnover.
We will be able to define therefore this percentage of assets, like head physicians for the company
and to catalogue them like strategic assets, for which the enterprise it has interest to manage directly.
The other 20% of assets is supplied the highest number of suppliers, very 80% and draft of those assets to low cost and
that they are considers you not strategic.
To manage therefore nourished formation of suppliers for the enterprise is
translate in large loss of forces and a money.
From said how much one deduces that to the enterprise it convene
to concentrate all the resources available on the first group of assets and to entrust the purchase of according to group
of assets to companies specialized in integrated supply.
Since it will be just this last one to contact the various
suppliers, eventually to try some also of new, and to deliver to the various material to the company petitioner, with
a consequent lessening of the costs like will come more ahead explained in the pages.
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