1.9 Evolution of the relationship with the suppliers.
An evolution in the relationships with the suppliers is found in the last years: from a vision of the
supplier meant like a "adversary pressure" with the main objective of the minimal possible price to a seen supplier as a
"partner with which collaborating" in order to try the optimization of the total system "customer - supplying".
This evolution has placed to the center of the attention the supplier, transforming it in an element base for the attainment
of the competitive advantage and for this reason it is necessary to establish relationships of mutual confidence, to
characterize the collaboration areas and to define contracts that can guarantee to both the maintenance of the competitiveness
in the time.
The immediate consequences of this new vision are:
1.9.1 "normal" supplier
The company customer characterizes on the market all the possible suppliers on the base of minimal
qualitative detailed lists acceptable, that is characterized and then judges suitable for the supply, choosing those to you
that can guarantee the inferior prices.
Suppliers manage 2-3 at the same time are for being able to have sources
alternatives are for being able to put in competition on the price the various suppliers.
Moreover they do not communicate themselves give to you on the requirementses previewed for the future one of it much less
gives guarantees to the supplier approximately the future supplies.
If it is only made and in order to exercise one sure psychological pressure.
Such supplies are guaranteed moreover like
quality solo through the company of a contract with eventual penitentiaries; the possibility to only carry out statistical
samplings or quite "free-pass" is risks assumed unilaterally from the company customer on the base of gives to you historical
or of low critic of the member in game.
Finally, the supplier has been only estimated on its output and therefore risks
connected to not the acquaintance exist of as it can guarantee in the time such performances.
How much is not known
the processes of the supplier is to "risk" as far as guarantee of quality and ability to answer to the changes in the programs.
And it is for all these reasons that are necessary to tutelarsi through emergency supplyes on such materials.
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