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1.2 Conditions of Supplyings.
Every organization inserts to the inside of an economic cycle, producing goods and services and acquiring from the outside
material, goods and services to transform in the production processes or to use to the inside in order to maintain the necessary
degree of functionality.
The purchases have an infuence on the economic performances, work them, financial institutions of the
organization through four main factors:
- The paid price, that it contributes directly or indirectly to the determination of the cost of the produced goods and services.
- The quality in entrance, than will be reflected is on the quality of the same production that on its cost, through rendered,
refuse, re-workings and guarantees.
- The times of supplying that influence on the Time to market of the production and determine the levels of supply to maintain.
- Terms of payment and level of the supplyes.
They affect the general ability to the enterprise to compete in the economic system in which it operates and therefore the
expectation of the organization in the comparisons of the system of supplyings is that they come satisfied three requirement of
general character:
- The economization, that is the control of the costs through the search of the best deal conditions than purchase on the
- The effectiveness, that is the ability to govern the market of the offer obtaining levels of quality, performances and
services such accessories to optimize the employment of the assets/services acquires to you, reducing or cancelling the refuse
incidence, rendered, contested.
- The efficiency, that is times of answer to the question such not to constitute a factor penalizing for the operational cycle,
diminishing the inner costs.
1.3 Marketing of purchase.
A new concept that is making in the last years in the field of the purchases is the so-called marketing
of purchase wide.
With this term one agrees with of the tending actions obtaining from just arranges of acquisition of the
resources such advantages to put the own enterprise in conditions of competitiveness regarding concurrent enterprises
8 .
The transposition of the methodology of definition of the marketing plan to the purchases
and comprises the systematic study of the atmosphere of supply of the markets and the products and the suppliers.
of with of structured activity, not occasional, of iteractiv nature, that it has for object the monitoring of the supplying
The purchase marketing at least second influences the maintenance of relations evolving with the suppliers two
various modalities:
- Role of filter, in how much in the phase of definition of the purchase strategies is shaped like propedeutica activity to
the creation of a relationship evolving and long duration
- Role of feedback, in how much the market analysis allows to be dawns
to you regarding the new foreign standards.
The purchase marketing takes therefore the input from the business strategy and
proceeds to the definition and performance of the purchase strategy, articulating itself in 4 sequence steps:
- Analysis of the supply atmosphere.
- Opportunity and risk analysis.
- Definitions of the purchase strategies.
- Definition of the procurement.mix.
The first phase concerns the analysis acclimatizes them, to the aim to characterize
the opportunities and the risks legacies to the interaction with the market of the supply; this phase turns out to be preliminary
to the appraisal of the options of purchase strategy, also in optical of appraisal of make or buy.
The formulation of such strategy gushes from the coherent combination of the mix of decisional levers (produced, price, sources and
- Notes 8: Source: Adaci of Turin.