CHPATER 4: Surveying on the customers
4.1 The Unitec customers
Unitec has like historical objective main that one to support industrial supplyings for members and systems of production, for the situated companies in the Central European area, in particular for those Italians and Germans. In the time, the customers are increase to you and vary to you, and today Unitec is a company that entertains relationships with companies of every part of the world, operating in more varies productive fields to you.
In particular, from years ' 90 it increased the market, passing from the field of departure, that is that automotive one, to other segments of market. Currently in the park Unitec customers they are present companies of the field automotive, chemical, cartiero, naval and of the steel mills, in order to cite of some 34 .
The continuous enterprise but to being tied to the markets very known, which that Italian and German, thanks also to the strong competitive advantage, consisting in deciding of staff with optimal acquaintances of both the languages.
The passage from these two markets to that European is short, thanks is to the strong relations elapsing with multinational companies with several European branchs (office), is to the unification of the currency, that it has facilitated a lot the exchanges and the relative bureaucratic and administrative procedures.
Moreover, the movement in the years passes you of the production in the East Europe from part of many important industries, made yes that the interest of Unitec, cosi like of many suppliers, subfornitori and distributors, headed towards that area.
The European customers constitute the main and vital part of Unitec, and the increase of the making nations part of the European Community has facilitated the expansion of the turnover in this area.
Interesting is to notice that in the park Unitec customers they are present companies of States of the European east, enters you of recent in the European Union (01 May 2004), which Slovenia, or candidates to enter to us, as an example Rumania, that they could constitute valid supports for an easy penetration in such markets.
In order to develop just it upgrades them, Unitec always has been protesa to the expansion of the own net of customers, following the directives that the market has in the suggested time.
To leave from the passed decade, as an example, it is joints to examine the South American market, in particular Brasi them, where many of the more important European enterprises began to install own branchs (office) of production.
In 1998 therefore an agent was recruited to the inside of staff the Unitec, than she took care herself of the local market. Today the Brazilian customers represent a discreet part of the customers total, but percentage sure destined is one to increase in future, approvals the efforts completed from the entire organization in such sense.
They are moreover completing constant studies in order to try to take contact with possible customers in various areas regarding those already known. The more interesting zones in so far as turn out, between the others, those Asians and Balkans.
Here Unitec possesses already some interesting contacts, that they come it implements to you and it uses you for reperire acquaintance of the legislations and uses premises.
An important, recent innovation consists in the opening of an office to Dubai, in the United Arab Emirates, that it will serve like point of reference for all the Countries of Arabic language. In this city the opening of the greatest Disneyland of the world is previewed in the future, with the consequent demand for materials of reciprocation for the divertimento systems.
Moreover, in the near city of Abu Dhabi the Volkswagen will open one plant of production.
The present collaborator to Dubai takes care itself therefore of the management of the local customers, increasing the contacts in the zone. In situated the business one it is possible to immettere demanded in order to undertake relations of partnership in the world.
These questions come carefully estimated, in how much are one valid opportunity for the development of the society.
The increase of the relationships of Unitec in various parts of the famous world also from the crescent I use myself of the foreign languages.
Previously the Italian and the German were used nearly exclusively. Currently famous an important use of English, let alone a smaller employment of languages which the French or the Spanish.
Observing they give concerning the Unitec customers to you from January 2003 to you open them 2004, we can realize the previously express concepts.
Obvious is the preponderanza of the Italian customers, that it very constitutes 73% of the total.
This is a logical data, if we think that the main mission Unitec was and in continuous part to being that one to support the Italian enterprises in their international purchases. Moreover, the presence of a company in Italy, tightened collaborating, helps to reperire customers in native place.
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