A search carried out from "The Outsourcing Institute" 17
door to identify the eight main motivations that they induce to the outsourcing, which can be subdivided in two groups:
the first four of tactical character, the successive ones of mostly strategic character.
Such last distinction does not have descriptive scope pure, being ascertained that, ogniqualvolta in the decision to resort to
outsourcing the tactical reasons prevails on those strategic ones, the possibilities to obtain turns out unsatisfactory increases
to you in considerable measure.
Difficulty in the management or the control of one business function
The outsourcing it is sure an important option in order to resolve this class of problems: however it does not have to consider
it like a solution that you carry to abdicate to the managerial responsibility, neither like a solution "pad" that is necessary
in order to save the enterprises in difficulty in the short period.
According to it turns out you of the study previously cited,
the enterprises that have used of the instrument in examination in order to obtain the result not to lose the control of the
own organization, have ended in the greater part of the cases in order to remain insoddisfatte of turns out obtained to you.
The main reason of this failure probably resides in the fact that, if in a company difficulties in the management or the control
of a business function are found, the approach corrected to this situation would have to consist in tracing some the causes
before being able to proceed to the increase of remedies of various kind.
If as an example the reason of the
difficulties resides in the circumstance that the necessary pretensions, expectations or resources have not been correctly
estimated, the resource to the outsourcing before the location of this kind of errors, would not not only improve the situation, but indeed probably it would end for esacerbarla.
In fact, if an organization is not in a position to characterizing the causes that prevent the overcoming of the difficulties,
it is not neanche able to communicate them to upgrades them provider. Lack of specific professionalities to the
inside of the company. In this case the enterprise resorts to the outsourcing because it does not possess to
the just inner necessary resources in terms of specific professional abilities.
As an example, if one is in phase of business
expansion, and especially if this expansion happens in new markets, the outsourcing it constitutes a practicable and convenient alternative to the development in just, leaving from zero, of regarding specific competences the new problems that the increase situation imposes to face. Cost reduction operated to you.
Sure the more important between the reasons of tactical character that they induce to resort to the outsourcing is tied to the necessity to reduce or at least to hold under control the increase of the business fixed costs or, more in a generalized manner, of the costs operated to you.
The resource to the outsourcing concurs in fact, on one side, to modify the structure of the own business costs, increasing the incidence of those variable ones and diminishing the incidence of those fixed on the costs totals, from the other, thanks to the economies of scale and other advantages connected with the specialization of the provider, allow to reduce the costs operated to you totals.
Of this reduction it will benefit also the enterprise-customer naturally.
Moreover, enterprises that they try to carry out all the functions in just, can incur in excessive and unexpected expenses of search, development or marketing, expenses that will have necessarily to be transferred on the final customer under shape of price increases and that therefore they can render the products of the enterprise less attractive on the market.
After all this kind of considerations of tactical character the situations in which are found in nearly all are decided to resort to the outsourcing.
The consumers odierni in fact do not accept the greater costs associate to careful organizations to maintain to a control directed on all the own resources to you. Situation of difficulty financial institution. The outsourcing sometimes it comprises the transfer of activity from the customer to the provider: systems, vehicles, licences and several equipments used for the activity to delegate.
All these activities have a sold value and come of fact to the provider. The provider, then, it uses these equipments in order to supply services to the same customer whom it has sold to them or, frequently, also to other customers.
To second of the sold asset value, the company that decides to delegate can obtain from endured meant positive flows to you you of case.
In kind the activities in issue come yielded to their value of registration in budget.
In the case in which the aforesaid value it had to be remarkablly advanced regarding that effective of market, the difference between the two values represents a loan carried out from the provider to the customer, loan whose reimbursement will be integrated in the price of the service of outsourcing that it will come subsequently lend.
This complicated system can sometimes avoid to the enterprise-customer a crisis situation financial institution, assuring them greater liquidity that they are consequent not only to the normal operation of outsourcing, but also to smobilizzo of activity and one the authentic shape of loan, although hidden from the appearance of the lend service.
It goes added that more and more often the provider cargo of part of the dependent of its customer is made.
In some cases draft of hundred of dependent. In this way enterprises of services in outsourcing constitute strategic alliances with the own customers, finalized to the creation of value for all the inner and external bearers of interest to the company.
One often neglected member of this type of outsourcing is tied then to the motivation of the transferred staff.
Nearly always, in fact, that that for the customer constitutes a secondary activity, becomes for provider Core business, remarkablly improving the motivazionali aspects of the persons who work to you. Necessity to attract understood them and efficient allocation piu' of the resources. The outsourcing it reduces the necessity of understood them at the same time to invest in functions not directly tied Core-business, allowing to attract more easy understood them from the market.
In fact, the circumstance probably more operosa to the aim to attract understood them from the market, consists in corrected chosen of investment from part of the enterprise. To decide to directly invest in the areas tied to the products or services offers to the customers, concurs in kind to catch up one greater business profit.
Moreover the decision to resort to the outsourcing can contribute to improve some indices budgetary, through the elimination of the necessity to show the Roi of understood is invested them in ambles to you not relating to Core-business.
In such a way, the areas subject to outsourcing do not compete more with the other business functions as far as the resources allocation. Investments are avoided therefore that often turn out difficultly justifiable, if it compares you to those carries out in the areas more directly correlated to the service or the product offers the customers to you.
Every organization finds of the limits in the resources available. The constant challenge consists in making yes that such limited resources are allotted in the areas to greater added value.
The outsourcing it allows the organization to have its revives from activity members of the women's army auxiliary corps to activity for which a greater return in terms of quality or service to the customer is found.
A lot often the resources in issue are resources in terms of labor.
Through outsourcing of activity the members of the women's army auxiliary corps, the organization can transfer the staff,
in such a way freed, to activity to greater added value.
The staff, whose energies were directed to the inside of the company,
comes therefore reimpiegato for activity aimed at the outside, that is to the customer. Reduction of the risks.
To the investments decided from an organization they are always associates considerable risks to you. Through outsourcing a
company it becomes more flexible, the more dynamics, more able than to pick the changes and the changing opportunities offered
from the market.
The markets, the competition, the laws and the regulations, the conditions of the financial markets and the
technologies: all this nowadays changes in extremely fast way.
To maintain themselves online with these changes and to take
the just decisions of investment are a task much difficult one.
The outsourcing instrument in order to subdivide the connected
risks to such decisions between more enterprises is one.
The provider of services in outsourcing it takes to investment
decisions not on the base of the perspectives of market of one single enterprise, but on the base of the combination of the
perspectives of market of all the enterprises its customers.
In this way the risk, connected to wrong forecasts of market
and consequently of workloads, can come attenuated, if not quite compensated, from errors of opposite sign from part of
various customers, or simply from the smaller incidence on the total volume of job legacy to the activity of a single
The obtainable result resorting to the outsourcing is that the company succeeds to approach itself that one that
today are considered the ideal corporate structure, call of time in time with Anglo-Saxon "to modulate company" or
"virtual company" or "agile terminology competitor". Greater specialization and global approach to the processes concurred from the experience of
international character of the provider. The supplier of services in outsourcing a lot often catches up
a degree of specialization and such professionality, in the development of the function that it comes delegate, from being
able to operate in competitive way on various markets to international level.
This circumstance - than moreover it
contributes to globalizzare the economy using vendor like vehicle of transfer of a specific competences, obtaining therefore
uniformità of management of the processes on the various markets - can moreover concur with the customer, that it delegates
an activity, to collaborate with a partner from which it can learn a total vision of the processes, concurring to come to
contact with more evoluti management of the specific business function arranges than.
The particular abilities to the external supplier moreover are the result of huge investments in technologies,
specific methodologies and professional formations for the dependent, beyond that of the experiences connected to the
greater specialization.
Frequently the specialization of the vendor includes previous experiences in the increase of analogous solutions
near societies concurrent, or however pertaining to the same industrial field.
This professionality can be transferred to the enterprise-customer under shape of application of ability, processes or
transportable previously acquired technologies and hour in the new business context.
The partnership with a provider of services in outsourcing of international relief it supplies therefore the following advantages:
- access to new technologies, instruments and techniques that the organization could not possess;
- elimination of the costs of training associates you to the acquisition of the abilities necessary to manage the aforesaid innovations;
- better opportunities than career for the staff, than eventually have been transferred from the organization customer to the provider;
- partial access even though to the technologies, procedures and documentations in possession of the provider;
- greater efficiency in the development of the delegated function;
- better knowledge of the operating costs for the process in issue;
- access to business competences and experiences of process that the supplier has acquired near previous customers.
Focalization on Core-business.
The outsourcing it allows the company to concentrate itself on the issues generates them, leaving the details operated you
the definition of an expert outside.
It is a managerialinstrument that can lead to a greater clarity and effectiveness in the perseguimento of objects to you primary,
that they consist in focusing and to interpret with succeeding the needs of the final customer.
For many companies there is therefore an only fundamental reason that the necessity explains to resort to the outsourcing,
that is the requirement to get rid from all those problems that they regard not the "thing to make", but "like making it",
when these issues regard business functions members of the women's army auxiliary corps.
Too much often the solution of similar problems hinders the business decisional process, leaving bridled it in definable issues
like of middle management, which absorb an enormous amount of manageriali time and attention.
All that can not only give place to financial costs of character, but also in terms of opportunity not taken advantage.
The outsourcing it renders possible to the enterprise to accelerate the increase and to improve it turns out to you through
an expansion of the investments in the areas that offer to greater competitive advantages you to them.
- Nota 17: THE OUTSOURCING INSTITUTE (1995), Avoiding pitfalls:three warning signs. 1995 trandsreport: outsourcing purchaising dynamics, expetation and outcomes.