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Chapter 2: The supplying process
2.5.1 The eSourcing
The activity carried out in the process of eSourcing they are about correspondents to
before half process of traditional supplying:
- The analysis of the requirementses finalized to the understanding and the classification of the main voices of expense,
identifying the requirementses of supplying of the company;
- Search of the suppliers, with the objective to identify upgrades them supplying for every merceologica class
- qualification of the suppliers, that is the appraisal of the suppliers second determines parameters to you
- demand of offer, that it concurs with the buyer to demand in structured way the proposals or the estimates to upgrades them
supplying in relation to specific requirementses
- true and own negotiation with attribution of the supply that can to be lead through an auction or one series of demands
of offer
The demand of offer are the stumento base for the eSourcing above all for the activity of qualification of the suppliers
(demanded of information), activity apt to define of the detailed lists, are techniques that trade them, of a product/service
to acquire (demanded of proposal), or utillizzato from the Buyer in order to demand one proposed of purchase price for a
product whose characteristics are note(richiesta of quotation).
Based on the technological solutions adopted we distinguish
more tipology of operating.
We leave from the possibilitį to create one own inner platform. Solution this adopted above
all from some great groups in which the platform it is managed centrally from a society
of the group that puts it to disposition
of the others society
of the group.
The Sieco of group ENI and Fast Buyer of the Fiat group are examples of these platforms.
Various it is a consortile solution, where the enterprise uses the platform of the consortile Marketplace from participated it.
Between the technological solutions that use operating exteriors we find those based on eSourcing Sevice Provider and those
based on eSourcing process Outsourcer.
With the first term s' they mean those operating ones of B2B that put to disposition
the own platform of eSourcing, in a position to supporting events negotiates bases them to you on purchase auctions and systems of demand of offer.
They address to these enterprises buyer that they want to use in autonomy, to the inside of their processes of negotiation, the instruments that the new Internet technologies make available, but that they do not mean to develop them and to manage them in just.
With according to term, eSourcing Process Outsourcer, one indicates those operating ones that they on behalf manage of the enterprise customer the entire process of sourcing and therefore in the organization of events negotiates bases them to you or on auctions of purchase or systems of demand of offer.
Even if still contained in absolute terms, the total volumes of purchase negotiate to you with these instruments begin to being meant 13 to you : approximately 9 billions of euro of which 65% it negotiate through remaining auction and 35% through the systems of demand of offer.
The greater part of these purchases refers to products or indirect services, even if begins to having one sure importance the negotiations iron and steel relative online to produced products indiretti(, chemical members electronic electrical workers and, products, etc.) and to assets it orchestrates them (industrial systems, industrial vehicles, prefabbrica you, etc).
From the point of view of the tipologia of purchase the purchases spot regarding contratti/accordi the picture still prevail, even if seem to pick one tendency to the increase of the weight of this last tipologia of negotiation.
A part consisting of the total volumes of eSourcing ago the operating reference to the B2b: beyond 50% if we consider also the transactions that the operator manages on behalf of the companies that posseggono (as an example the purchases of the societies of the Fiat Group on FastBuyer, of UniCredito, Erg and Impregilo on ē, of Italcementi and Pizzarotti on BravoSolution, of Nestlč on CPGmarket, of Pirelli on Rubbertnetwork, etc).
Such percentage is reduced to 12% if, instead, we exclude this market "captive" and on behalf consider exclusively the purchases managed from operating of external enterprises to the share compages (and therefore considerabili like they the customers).
We focus the attention on this last particularly meaningful data of the role that these operating ones are carrying out in order to diffuse use it of the instruments of eSourcing also near those enterprises, the overwhelming majority in Italy, than it has not invested in own private platforms.
Although in absolute terms still reduced - 1.1 billions of? - a remarkable leap in ahead represents but regarding the slid year, in which the volumes altogether managed from operating the B2b it specializes to you in the eSourcing on the open market were little advanced to 0,5 billions of: one increase, therefore, of beyond 120% on annual base.
The instruments of eSourcing allow the buyer to achieve various benefits, the some most immediate ones, like the reduction on the purchase price, the other most difficult ones to monetizzare but equally important.
- The reduction of the purchase price, that it can derive from multiple factors, which: the possibility to be involved in
the negotiation a high number of suppliers, to begin from the phase begins them of demand for offer (not convenient possibility
in the traditional processes, for the enormous one to pile of time that it would demand); specific psychological dynamics
induced from the negotiation system online in real time; the possibility to pick some contingent situations
of the market (which as an example requirements smaltire overstock or to saturate productive ability to income of new competitors).
- The increase of the efficiency of the process of sourcing, like consequence of the reduction of the times necessary in order
to communicate and to interact with the suppliers during the phase of offer and negotiation, to eventually estimate and to
confront between they the offered ones and, if in presence also of Web systems of scouting passive, pre-qualificare the suppliers.
- The reduction of the times of supply, like result of evidenced how much over, with consequent benefit for the inner customer;
- One greater transparency, tracciabilitą and, therefore, controllability of the expense: the systems of eSourcing hold trace
of every negotiation, allowing to decide, in efficient way, of one reportistica it completes and deepened.
- An increase of the information to disposition, like consequence of asserted how much to the previous point: they give to you
available can be uses you in order better to comprise statistics on the purchases and, therefore, to support the decision future.
Figure 2.6: Different behaviors of the companies in relation to the made use services. Source:
study of observatory B2B of the polytechnic of Milan
- Famous 13: Ibidem (pp. 33-34)