As I have already pointed out, the organization of the acquaintance or know-how, is always
becoming more a source than creation of competitive advantage, where for information the contestuale information agrees,
applicable and of really meant strategic.
The know-how business it can be divided in:
- Explicit acquaintance, when this can easy be shared through its coding and the transfer. It can easily be archiviata or
be transferred electronically in digital shape them.
- Tacit acquaintance, when he is esperenziale, based on the person
from whose action it derives, and has need of a greater effort for being communicated and being shared, through as an example
the learning and learning-by-doing.
The portals have the ability to facilitate the exchange of both the type of know-how, through their support of search
and finding of information multiformed, included those relative ones to the tacit acquaintances.
In fact, through their ability in transferring and distributing acquaintance in various location and technological platforms,
through a web browser and thanks to a careful architecture of the same portals, these systems of integration of the supply
chain create the possibility to pull down the barriers that prevent the exchange of every type of acquaintance.
The key of time for the discouragement of the barriers that prevent the circulation of tacit acquaintances, is for the note
represented from the technological advance of the systems of communication of the acquaintances and the experiences, that
they at the same time allow the creation, the recording and the transfer of the business immaterial patrimony.
The portals of supply chain were therefore the first portals Inter-firm commercialize to you, and were just with the requirement
of one efficient management of the supply chain that nacquero the first business portals.
From the necessity of finding of information approximately the product in the sale, the state of advance of the production
process and the availabilities of inventory, and approximately the modalities of shipment and transport in the phase of
distribution, the Supply Chain Portals has extended the ability to the members of the chain to the sharing of the information
and the planning of the activities, based on mutual collaboration 27 .
With the increase of integration deriving from greater flows of inner information to the chain, focale phase of the process of
production like the design and the product development has been offered moreover to the possibility of collaboration
Inter-firm in one.
All the sources, are form them that it informs them, contribute therefore to the creation of design and the development of new products and processes, and the key factor of succeeding for the single integrated enterprise is represented just from the fact that such flows informed to you come from external actors, like the customers and the partner of the supply chain.
An example of game of square in the development of new products sure is represented from Caterpillar.
In this case rising is created for the launch of new products for the apparel participated of engineering, in which the process of creation of the product design servants of multifunctional squares whom they comprise employee of the production and designers, customers and suppliers.
Internet makes all the rest creating the possibility to carry out a such game of square, thanks to the applications of Supply Chain, like the Corporate Portal.
In Caterpillar, it is possible for the partner to approach documentations, cards, designs, database, and models of production in order to allow to of the multibusiness teams collaborating in the design of new products.
Huang and Mak have described this as a system of virtual advisers in virtual squares organizes to you in a vituale office, equip with instruments of virtual designs, available for all the participants to you ovunque are found, are to the inside that to the outside of Caterpillar 28 .
The functionalities of the Corporate Portal can be adapted to the requirements of go models of management of the supply relationships.
In the market of the commodities, as an example, the technology of the portals is used mainly like an interface customer-supplier in the sharing of information tied substantially to the saving of costs in the immediate one, like in the coordination of the activities of Inventory Management for the obtaining of benefits of Just in Time.
In the collaboration model, instead, these instruments, with to the systems of EDI, ERP etc represent of the resources key in order to allow integration between the partner.
- Notes 27: Feature from the search Corporate Portals on Supply Chain Collaboration of S.Paquette and L.Moffat,
introduced to the University of Toronto, in occasion of the Second Annual Symposium on SCM, 30-09-2004.
- Notes 28: Huang, G.Q. and K.L. Mak, Web-Based Collaborative Conceptual Design, Journal of Engineering Design, 1999.