2.5.2 Intranet and Extranet: the extension of the ERP
The progressive opening to web in its several meanings (Intranet, but above all Extranet nets between partner)
of junior clerks to you ERP corresponds to the requirement for the enterprises of the row to create a true one and just
it arranges univoco, sharing the information not only with the partner directed, but also with the subjects places it is
to mount that to goes them.
It is being assisted therefore to a true and own virtualizzazione of the chain of the value
in which the inner system of a company it enjoys wide visibility.
A management of the supply chain is had therefore
in which the company it tries to not only optimize its activity watching to the own inner resources, but also with the
eye towards that it succeeds it is to mount that to partner goes them in the companies, creating true and just
collaborative ones commerce.
As an example an operating enterprise in the manifacturing field can introduce to
the just supplying demands for the own customers, permettendogli to avoid moments of sovra or under production and
organizing the own production and the supplyes of finished products that they constitute just Core business.
To the inverse , the customer can know in easyr way the productive abilities to the own suppliers and will be therefore in a
position to making forehead in more effective way and more aware to the coming from demands to they goes.
The new frontier of systems ERP is therefore the synchronization with the systems for the management of the chains of
supply and the value in the optical to create solutions of e-business.
The directions towards which it moves to us,
than typically exit from the business borders for impattare the modalities of management of the relations with external
subjects to the enterprise, give life to a new model of extensive enterprise whose efficiency resides just in one perfect
management of the Supply Chain.
To be on linens and opened to partner and suppliers means in last analysis to exchange
informat on with they: if the information are not accurate, the same plan begins them to introduce itself on Internet
comes made useless.
For who it makes e-commerce the damage is economic and of image, but for who it wants to use the net in order to optimize
the processes that are involved the partner trade them, scotto it can be greater.
2.5.3 The Corporate Portal for the management of the Supply Chain: Definition and roles
The Corporate Portal is of the points of access to the applications of e-business of a great
enterprise, thanks to which the external subjects authorizes to you approaches narrow nets.
These allow the interactive
sharing of the resources and of the acquaintances pertaining to the enterprise it is from the inside that with other subjects you
mail is to mount that goes them in the supply chain, representing effective half of integration of the applications for the
digital management them of the business activities, in particular of the supplying process.
To the inside of the Corporate Portal relationships of e-procurement are had therefore of type one-to-many, giving life to
a relational approach of along period with the suppliers.
The role of the Corporate Portal has been subordinate to various changes although their short life, and it is gone more and
more shaping in the management and the organization of the acquaintance.
A recent advance of their functionality is represented from the ability of the portals in the logon of the companies in net,
that sharing of know-how the inner and external face concurs one with the creation of new acquaintances.
The importance of these new functionalities goes more and more coming near to the importance of uses of these instruments in
the management of the Supply Chain.
The introduction of these instruments of e-procurement relational has been sure pushed
from the new order that many enterprises has adopted consequently to the focalization on the Cores competences, induced
from the market turbulences that have made of the organizational flexibility one source of strategic advantage.
This new chain of the value, based on the quality of the relations with the partner direct had therefore need of solutions
that allow to work in more intimate way with the own collaborators, and to develop with these, average efficient of sharing
of information 26 .
Although it allowed to greater flexibilit and competitiveness,
this new organizational order demanded effective solutions to the Information Techonology and the process of creation of
the acquaintances.
A business portal can be placed is to the inside of a net Intranet, where the dependent can reperire
information easily, it is in a Extranet net, opened to the external collaborators authorizes to you.
The Corporate Portals is not from confusing with the applications connected to it.
They in fact represent for several
stakeholders of the access points the key for the acquisition of contained information in applications like the critical
Enterprise Resource Planning or other sources.
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