1.3 Internet and Supply Chain Management
As I have asserted previously, in the sharing of the information to the inside of the row the
Information and Communication could not play a fundamental role Technology, that unavoidable instrument sees in Internet one.
Whichever organization from is always characterized from the increase of the importance and the pervasività of the role of
the ICT to the inside of the business processes: from those trained to you and financial to that more operated (production,
logistics, planning to you), to the processes revolts to the market (marketing), until the more complex processes,
cross-sectional and inter business, like those relative you to the total management of the relation with the customer (Customer
Relationship Management), to the gesione of the cycle of life of the products (Lifecycle Management), of the acquaintances
(Knowledge Management), and of the chain of supply (Supply Chain Management)
3 .
The benefits bring you from Internet to the management of the supply chain leave give from one new rapidity and timeliness
of the information, that he is transparent and visible to all the actors.
That not more allows a careful and effective management of the question based on better information and on too much sophisticated
algorithms, and is thanks to the same sharing of information to the inside of the row that can be puttinges in motion
mechanisms innovated you of integrated management of the stocks, leaving from the Just in Time in order to arrive to the
Virtual Warehouse, about which I will speak later on in deepened way more.
However exist of the critic in the supply
relationships that the Web cannot contrast alone, and that they demand one deep collaboration from part of the customer with the
supply chain.
To the inside of a chain of Internet supply based, it is a lot important as an example, to maintain a sure accuracy
of give to you, on which it can make confidence the entire system.
Therefore the ICT and the web like support to the business, impattano activity in strong way on the same configuration of the
row, putting it in front of the choices of Make versus Buy.
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