1.2 Two models of management of the Supply Chain
In the greater part of the companies, the truths comprised characterize them, are delineate in the
time two models to you management of the relationships to the inside of the supply chain.
Models that depend on the nature of the relations, and in great part from the degree of interaction between the inner actors
to the chain, which in its turn determines the level of integration and sharing of information between several the subjects.
In the based management of the supply chain in supplying of commodities in the traditional fields, as it happens in the greater
part of the present enterprises in the America North, the role of the interaction with the supplier is reduced to the minimums
finishes and the customer as soon as she can puts into effect speculative movements with the scope to diminish the contractual
force of the supplier and the relative dependency from it.
This model contrasts with the grip collaboration to the inside
of the supply chain, that it finds inspiration in the Japanese model, oriented towards the realization of relationships
collaborated to you important and along term with the own suppliers.
In the collaboration model, the partner shares a greater
number of information and coordinates more resources, promotes the quality and the speed of process in the planning of relations
of along term, based in great part on the confidence.
Echeverri and Carroll 2
characterized in the grip integration of resources to the inside of the chain, possible yield from the continuous transfer of
information and acquaintances, the key factor of the happened one of the collaboration model.
Model that is taken advantage of particular technological instruments of which we will take care ourselves more ahead.
The model of management of the suppy chain of commodities therefore is used with the objective to contain the costs because
of the competitive pressures. The relationships with the suppliers, are therefore a lot limits in order to allow the minimizzazione to you of the switching cost.
In the market of the commodities, the solutions of the Information
Technology therefore are used in order to obtain of the advantages of efficiency, the solutions of communication simplified and
standardized that they have need of a computer at least standard, one logon to Internet, and browser a standard.
A purpose of the foundation of relations of short term is therefore that one of being able to have use of one chain
of easy riconfigurabile supply to second of the trend of market, with of the advantages of cost of along term.
In the collaboration model, thanks to the grip integration and the development of network strategic, the grip logon between
several the actors in their typical activity is used like source of every value for single partner.
In this case, technological instruments as the systems of EDI, the ERP or the supply chain portals, represent of the resources
key in order to allow integration between the partner. Integration that consists in the sharing of critical information, and
that it renders the acquaintance a true one and just input key.
A result of this model of management is represented, beyond
that from the cost reduction and the increment of the quality, from the advanced ability to learning of the dependent, thanks
are to the inner organization, than to the coming from acquaintances from the outside.
This factor can moreover be considered useful, also in phase of planning and development of a new product.
An example is represented from the Toyota, than with integration with the own suppliers, it established with these objects
to you common and promoted the sharing of know-how. The result was not only the important size of new created acquaintance,
but also the strengthening of the relationships.
Moreover an increase of the productivity of 14% was obtained and the
inventory costs were reduced for 25%.
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