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Sitting to my writing desk, occupied in the last developments of the thesis, still I do not become account of to have arrived to the end of this distance that has been involved all same me in last the six years; watching to me behind I become account that many things in my life and within of me are changed: perhaps my way to think, to face the things, my way of relazionarmi to the others ..... has grown, but I hope to remain that humble person and that it is put in argument, that always they have been.
Travelling over again my road, I cannot make less than to think next to how many they have made me from wing, like when a ciclista, engaging every fiber of its being in order to gain the summit that separates it from the goal, finds force and support from the tifo that the persons offer to it along the distance.

My first thought, obviously, goes to my parents, without which never I could not arrive to this point; I do not only speak about the economic support, than sure he has been indispensable, but of that tacit or explicit aid that many times has come from their heart: I refer to all the occasions in which my mother, hiding in Hush the anxiety, it has encouraged to me, seeing taken to me from the books or preoccupied for a program too much along that just it did not want to enter to me in head; to the speeches of my father, when, convinced that same not listening, it spoke about proud me, forgetting itself about not easy mine caratterino.
I rethink every time that they are raises you to the six of the mattino, in the depths of winter, when outside it was still buio and the blankets, instead, were as well as pleasant, single in order to accompany to take the hydrofoil to me, because the lessons began soon and I had to catch up Naples ..... I could describe many moments like these, but not is not need, because them port all in my heart and for all these things I can only ringraziare my mother and my Pope.

Like not ringraziare also Diego, the my companion of much moment, than with extreme patience have sopportato the my jolt of humor and the my paranoia when, under stress for a examination, not have other valve of vent that he, than me have always encourage say me that can make us it.
Thankses, at last, the Ing Ear-ring, Ing Vertucci and i members of the ''Business Unit Custumer Support/Engineering/Support to the product'' near plant SELEX-SI of Giugliano in Campania, for the availability with which they have received to me and continuation in my period of stage.
A particular thanks goes to the Ing Francisco Saverio Di Sibio, than, with patience and professionality, it has covered a fundamental role in my formative distance in SELEX-SI.


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