Chapter 7 - a model developed in a company of the production field and maintenance radar.
7.1.2 Input, output, hypothesis and parameters of support.
7.1.3 Used software.
The model has been implemented with a date base developed in Microsoft Access that it receives in input the information listed in the previous paragraph under the heading of input and gives back a report from which the necessary information to the development of the calculations are gained.
Such information come then elaborated in a folder of job constructed in Microsoft Excel to the aim to obtain turn out to you brought back in the paragraphs succeeded to you.
The date base in Access comes executed by means of a macro, launch from the customer through a mask, while an industrialization of the calculation folder is being still studied.
The choice of the software has been dictated from the necessity, in the first phase, to arrange more information entirety, that it has made to prefer the use of Microsoft Access; subsequently, being necessary an instrument that it allowed to carry out calculations quickly and in parametric way, for being able to make various the attempted ones to you, is chosen to use Microsoft Excel.
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