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Chapter 6 - Analyses of an innovative approach: Mitigation of Obsolescence Cost Analysis (MOCA).
6.2 Input and output of the MOCA5.
Input the demands from the software in order to realize the forecast of the supportabilità costs are:
- Directory of the LRU, population and unit cost;
- Baseline of the system;
- Data of obsolescence;
- Restrictions;
- Slowly of production;
- Eventual already programmed designs refresh.
We more analyze to hour in detail this mere directory of necessity.
The input basic demanded from tool the MOCA in order to begin the simulation it is the bill of materials that is the list you leave correspondent to the system to analyze and one imputation of several the members to level of card: in other words, the software has need of knowing which devices elementary you composes the system and as these come it groups to you to advanced level in order to form the constituent LRU the object.
Complementary information, but not for this of smaller importance, are the coefficient of every employment of single member, the purchase price, eventual restrictions of specific, the presumed one given of obsolescence and one proposed of plan of mitigazione of the feasible obsolescence for every device.
The given presumed one in which every member he becomes irreperibile on the market comes determined with tool I affixed, develops to you to you and sold from the TACTech, bases on the previsional model described to you in the CAP. 5 Par. 5.2.
Such Siccome information is slices from a sure uncertainty, every date is dealt effectively like a distribution of probability whose the customer of the MOCA defines shape and characteristics.
In the following illustration it comes shown the graphical interface through which they come supplied the input to the software.
Figure 6.2: Interface between customer and tool MOCA.
As it is looked at in Fig. 6,2, in the field “Obs. Dist dates.” of the mask “Part Given Description” it comes specified, exactly, the distribution of probability with which dealing the given presumed one of obsolescence of the members.
Last set of information in input, but not in importance order, regards the production plan, is in terms of new units of the system under investigation, if it is a product still in production, is in terms of spare parts; moreover they come signals you to tool the eventual dates of programmed designs refresh gia of default.
The output obtainable with the use of the MOCA they are:
- It turns out you of all the possible feasible cases, until a prefixed number of design refresh, during the cycle of life of the system;
- Actions to implement slowly in every and relative schedulazione;
- Life Cycle Cost.
In more exaustive way, I can say that the software supplies the list of possible cases, to put into effect during the operating life of the system under analysis, being implemented the maximum number of actions of design refresh; such data comes specified from the customer like preference.
For every eventuality it comes supplied the list of actions to realize and their schedulazione in the time.
The plan of better design refresh comes chosen based on the cost of performance; based on this last one it comes then lead an analysis of life cycle cost, by means of software trades them (Price H/HL).
- 5: P. Sandborn, P. Singh. Electronic part obsolescence driven product redesign planning, IJAMS International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Systems, Volume 7, Issue 2, 2004.