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Chapter 2 - the Contractor Logistic Support (CLS) and one its application in a study case.

2.5 Costs for the CLS.

The price that the contracting society demands to the Nation Host is defined and fixed since the contract of acquisition and the responsibilities of the activities clearly are distinguished between customer and SELEX-SI.
From these last information, it can be very understood as it is important, for the company that supports or more apparatuses, to a priori estimate the costs that will have to be supported during the time of the contract, to the aim of being able to formulate one demanded economic that satisfies its same profit.
Reassuming and being based on the carried out activities in order to honor a contract CLS, the costs to it it correlates to you are:

It can easy be understood that, to the aim to obtain a profit from the implementazione of the actions contemplated in the CLS, the SELEX-SI must lead these last ones in efficient way; one becomes necessary, therefore, an analysis detailed and timely of all the cost voices that can minare the profit of the contracting company.
It is just on this aspect, and in particolar way on the relative costs you to the management and solution of the obsolescences, than this job is articulated, to the light of the made formative experience in SELEX-SI.


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