3 Some examples
In this section they come introduces some examples to you of the business model as soon as it analyzes to you, is Italians who international.
FerramentaOnline (http://www.ferramentaonline.com)
is a eShop been born in 1999.
First specialized store Italian B2B in the field of blacksmith shop articles can be considered.
The site is born with the scope to often inform the purchaser disclosing the contents reserves you to the single "attache's to the jobs" and therefore, often, of difficult reperibilità.
In order to guarantee the availability of these information they have been establishes realizes particularly active relationships to you of collaboration with partner in this field, in particolar way with various sector journalistic heads. With the added one in a successive moment of the "unit they" to the "informative unit" trades, is born FerramentaOnlineSHOP.
After the experience matured with the site B2C, Nsbstore (http://www.nsbstore.com/b2b) it has dedicated a situated one only to the retailers. ' Not only Store Byte ', this is its extended name for, is an ambitious plan, with which the site wants to become a point of reference for shopping on linens of all the products that regard the Backup of gives to you. In order to exceed the competition, agguerrita in this field, the site proposes:
Founded in 1907 like company of fattorini in the United States, UPS (http://www.ups.com) has become one company from 30 billions of dollars clearly focused on the objective to concur the commerce in the world.
Today UPS, or United Parcel Service Inc., is one total company with one of the products mainly recognized and appreciated the world. Like greater company of express courier and delivery packages to the world, UPS is moreover a primary supplier of services specializes you of transport, logistics, understood them and e-commerce.
Every day, manages the flow of assets, deep and information in more than 200 countries and territories all over the world. UPS offers to the companies services bases on its Business Technology to you in order to supply a service of shipment, monitoring and advanced support.
The Electrolux group, world-wide leader in the field of the household-electric ones, from 1998 has equipped a dozen of its distributors of an application clientserver that it supports the exchange of orders, gives you of the lyings, bubbles, invoices and statistics, with the objective to implement a collaborativo process.
Later on, in order to optimize the production processes ulteriorly and to reduce the costs consequently, Electrolux has chosen to still tighten more the ties with the net of the partner: draft in fact of suppliers and conveyors of tried experience and reliability, with collaboration relationships consolidates to you in the time.
Therefore it is determined, by means of a situated one dedicated, to allow they approached it to precise information and modernized on the production and the state of the orders of the customers, so that they can improve logistics and times of the necessary supplies, optimizing you respect warehouses to you. The company from 1999 has developed to a portale Web and of the markets online.
In such a way it offers own to the partner the possibility to control in real time the status of give to you relati to you to orders, deliveries and invoices.
From the portale it is possible to insert orders, to follow of the tracking, to consult statistics and to unload and to print labels and codes to bars for pack to it.
Today therefore every supplier can go on the site and, after the login, to verify the programming of the every production
of single plant, is in along that in the short period: from the comparison with the status of the supplies and pieces and
from the relative inner schedulazioni which it has approached can organize its same production, for sure being of being able
to supplire just in Time to the orders in arrival.
In the same way the conveyors can see the agenda of shipments and reserve, as an example, with precise advance payment a
specific cargo area of the port. The plan, a lot to delineate in the theory, introduced in truth of problematic the operating
complex: the differentiated tipologie of give a lot to you are for the sources that for the format and the limits you set
up from the usable band; the indispensable guarantees of emergency for the criticità of the dealt information.
As far as the eBusiness towards mount, it is important to emphasize that nearly 100% of the acquired one from the suppliers
of first level of the group are managed through traditional EDI.
Recently Electrolux has undertaken the OpenXDI plan, platform for the exchange gives to you based on the Internet technologies
and language XML, with the objective to reduce the costs and to increase to the standardization in the communication
towards suppliers and customers [ AIP 2004 ].
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